Sir Gerry Berragan’s @IFAteched Speech from @AELPUK Summer Conference

Sir Gerry starts his speech with an update on the progress being made in the four months since they rolled out the faster and better service improvements in February.
Apprenticeship Standards
- Online templates for standards developments
- Intensive workshops for Trailblazers
- Clarified the expectations for Trailblazers
In the final 6 months of 2017, 37 standards where approved for delivery.
In the first 6 months of this year 90 standards are expected to have been approved.
End-point Assessments
IfA, ESFA and DfE are working closely together to ensure that appropriate end-point assessment arrangements are in place.
Of all the apprentices in training now, 98% are on a standard with at least one EPAO in place, this figure rises to 99.98% for apprentices due to undertake EPA within the next 12 months.
EPAOs need to make adequate preparations ahead of delivering EPA.
Quality Assurance
There are now 10 recognised employer groups and professional bodies to deliver EQA, and will cover 99% of the EPA that is due in the next 12 months.
Funding Bands Review
IfA have moved to a simpler 2-step funding process as part of the Faster Better Reforms.
Click the link below to hear Sir Gerry Berragan’s speech at the AELP’s 2018 Summer Conference.
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