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Inspecting secure training centres

Ofsted today (21 Dec) updated their guidance for the framework and evaluation schedule for inspection of secure training centres. This document sets out the the inspection of secure training centres to be led by Ofsted in conjunction with Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and the Care Quality Commission.

Inspections of secure training centres framework, evaluation schedule and grade descriptors from 1 September 2015


The framework for inspection includes the evaluation schedule.

For use with the inspection handbook.

Inspecting learning and skills training for people in custody

Handbook for providers and Ofsted inspectors on inspecting training and work activities for young adults and adults in custody.

Handbook for the inspection of education, skills and work activities in prisons and young offender institutions from 1 September 2017

Handbook for the inspection of education, skills and work activities in prisons and young offender institutions from 1 September 2017

Read the new handbook for use from September 2017. This has been updated to take account of changes in the revised ‘Expectations’, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons guidance for the inspection of prisons for men and other minor changes to methodology.

This handbook describes the main activities Ofsted inspectors undertake when they inspect learning and skills and work activities in prisons and young offender institutions in England as part of joint inspections led by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMI Prisons).

The handbook sets out the judgements that inspectors will make and report on. These reports contribute to the section on ‘purposeful activity’ in the HMI Prisons inspection reports.

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