From education to employment

Student returns to inspire doctors and nurses of the future

Sanah’s photographs of life changing operations inspired students at Waltham Forest College.

Her exhibition of photographs caught the imagination of students studying nursinghealth care and social care as they brought the details of text books to dramatic life.


Students used their views of the photos to highlight their discussions and views on Sanah’s work.

Sanah worked as a volunteer using images from pre-op through to post-op to chart operations that changed the life of patients.

She photographed operations on cleft lips and palettes, reconstructive surgery for acid and burns victims and finger/toe releases.

Her display of these images in a gallery type setting encouraged discussion about health issues and apparatus used in treatments.

Sanah commented:

My heart pounds when I’m taking images of surgical procedures and I have decided not to edit any of these images as I tried to keep them as authentic as possible”

Sanah is, with the help of her family, sharing her experience with students.  Her aim is to raise the profile of science and medical courses and to encourage young people to look at careers in science and medicine.

Nursing student, Ruth Poba-Puati, said:

Sanah has done a great job in capturing these key moments in surgery. This exhibition has certainly inspired me I feel more confident with the idea of going into a theatre operation”

Amir Ahmed, Director at Waltham Forest College, said:

This wasn’t just an exhibition, this is a platform to inspire the next generation of doctors and nurses. Many students started thinking about specialist pathways and how they can make a real difference in their chosen career.

Sanah’s own experience as a student at the College added to the event and so the students are even more motivated to create their future”.

Sanah said:

“We’ve reached our goal today to inspire, encourage and enlighten students.”

The Worshipful Mayor of Waltham Forest, Cllr Yemi Osho, joined the event giving the opening speech encouraging young and adult students aspiring to create their future in the medical profession.


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