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Early years foundation stage profile results: 2016 to 2017

Early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP) results for the 2016 to 2017 academic year, at national and local authority level.


Main text: SFR60/2017

PDF, 639KB, 10 pages

Main tables: SFR60/2017

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.72MB

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At least expected level map: SFR60/2017

PDF, 1.47MB, 1 page

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Good level of development map: SFR60/2017

PDF, 1.46MB, 1 page

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Average point score map: SFR60/2017

PDF, 1.46MB, 1 page

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Underlying data: SFR60/2017

ZIP, 74.2KB

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Pre-release access list: SFR60/2017


Technical document: SFR60/2017

PDF, 474KB, 13 pages

Additional tables by pupil characteristics: SFR60/2017

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 2.5MB

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Additional tables – technical document: SFR60/2017

PDF, 664KB, 15 pages

Additional tables – underlying data: SFR60/2017

ZIP, 231KB

Additional tables – pre-release access list: SFR60/2017


Additional tables – communication and language, and literacy: SFR60/2017

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 12.4KB

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This statistical first release (SFR) covers:

  • the percentage of pupils achieving each assessment rating in the early learning goals
  • the percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected level in the prime areas of learning and in the specific areas of literacy and mathematics (a good level of development)
  • the average total points score across all the early learning goals (the supporting measure)

The additional tables provide national and local-authority-level information on EYFSP attainment by pupil characteristics, specifically:

  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • eligibility for free school meals
  • special educational needs
  • English as a first language
  • month of birth
  • deprived areas

Early years statistics team

Email[email protected]

Telephone: Chris Noble 01325 340 688

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