Safeguarding guidance for providers of activities, after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school settings.


Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: Non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings


Keeping children safe during community activities, after-school clubs and tuition: Non-statutory guidance for providers running out-of-school settings

PDF, 1.79MB, 56 pages


The Department for Education (DfE) is publishing a voluntary code of safeguarding practice for out-of-school settings (OOSS).

The non-statutory code of practice is intended to support providers of OOSS. It covers advice on what policies and procedures providers should have in place for health and safety, safeguarding and child protection, staff suitability, and governance.

The guidance for parents and carers is intended to help parents choose a safer setting for their child.

The guidance covers:

  • community activities
  • after-school clubs
  • supplementary schools
  • tuition
  • music lessons
  • sports training
  • other activities for children that take place without their parents’ or carers’ supervision, that are not a:

    • school
    • college
    • 16 to 19 college
    • provider caring for children under 8 years old registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency

We held a Out-of-school settings: voluntary safeguarding code of practice consultation, and the code and other materials have been developed in collaboration with the sector and other stakeholders such as Ofsted and the Charity Commission.

Published 21 October 2020