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How ESFA maintains oversight of Independent Training Providers (ITPs)

Guidance for ITPs explaining how the Education and Skills Funding Agency (@ESFAgov) will take action to address the potential risk of failure. 

ESFA oversight of Independent Training Providers: operational guidance

This publication provides operational guidance for ITPs explaining how ESFA will take action to address the potential risk of failure.

ITPs includes a range of different legal entities with which the ESFA contracts. In this guidance we use the terms “ITPs” or “providers” to mean:

  • Independent Learning Providers
  • Independent Specialist Providers
  • Charitable and Commercial Providers
  • Special post-16 institutions (note that in this case the term “contract” in this document refers to the grant funding agreement)
  • Employer providers

Published 1 April 2019
Last updated 26 May 2021 + show all updates

  1. We have updated the operational guide to reflect changes to RoATP, subcontracting, funding high risk organisations, establishment of a Large Provider Team and a new section on ESFA approach to investigations.

  2. Added information to contract enforcement section.

  3. First published.

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