Materials to help school leaders and teachers review tasks associated with curriculum planning and resources, so they can reduce workload.


1. Curriculum planning: workshop

MS Powerpoint Presentation, 115KB

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2. Handout: summary sheet to accompany workshop

PDF, 177KB, 1 page

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School leaders and teachers have prepared these materials to help staff remove unnecessary workload related to lesson planning and creating resources for pupils.

You can run the workshop as a whole school activity or in teams.

Read the case studies to see what techniques other schools have been using to help them reduce planning workload.

The advice on ways to reduce workload in your school also includes short advice about streamlining and managing planning.

Our 3-stage guide to ‘Reducing workload in your school’ explains how to use the workload toolkit.

These materials are part of stage 2. Stage 1 contains tools to help you carry out a workload audit, and stage 3 contains tools to help schools evaluate the changes they’ve made after a workload review.

Related guidance

What works in schools


We would like to thank all of the staff in schools who have contributed their time to write and share these practical examples and case studies.

Published 21 July 2018
Last updated 15 March 2019 + show all updates

  1. Updated ‘Curriculum planning: workshop’. Added ‘Handout: summary sheet to accompany workshop’ and new case studies.
  2. First published.