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Students at City of London Academy Southwark celebrate 97% A-Level pass rate

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Pupils at the City of London Academy Southwark (CoLA Southwark) were jumping for joy as they received their A-Level results today (15/08).

Sixth formers at the school achieved a 97% pass rate and 62% of students received A*- C grades.

The Lynton Road-based academy places a learning focus on business, enterprise and sport, and is one of only 10 schools in England to be awarded Basketball Academy status by Basketball England.

It is managed as part of the City of London Academies Trust, which runs the City of London Corporation’s sole sponsored academies.

Michael Baxter, headteacher at City of London AcademySouthwark, said:

“I am delighted to see so many COLA students achieve brilliant results today. It is clear that many years of hard work have paid off.

“At COLA we strive to develop academically astute and well-rounded young adults who achieve to the best of their ability. I know that the A-Level students who leave us in 2019 have a bright future ahead and will go on to help improve the world around them.

“Congratulations to all our students and we wish them the very best of luck in the next chapter of their lives.”

Andrew McMurtrie, Chair of the City of London Academies Trust, said:

“Congratulations to all the students for achieving their A-Level results.

“Credit must also go to the staff and parents for all the time and effort put in to support our pupils to achieve the very best in their exam results.

“We wish each and every student every success in the next stage of their lives.”

The City of London Corporation sponsors or co-sponsors 10 academies across Hackney, Newham, Islington and Southwark. In 2017 and 2018, Sutton Trust named the City Corporation as the UK’s best academy sponsor for empowering pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to perform above the national average, and the leading academy sponsor for Progress 8 and Attainment 8, which track pupil progress and achievement.

Notes to Editors

About the City of London Corporation:

The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful UK.

The City of London Corporation family of schools has one maintained primary school and 10 sponsored or co-sponsored academies in neighbouring boroughs. It also supports three independent schools.

The City of London Corporation sponsors, co-sponsors or governs the following schools:

Co-sponsored academies

O City of London Academy, Islington (co-sponsor City University)

O The City Academy, Hackney (co-sponsor KPMG)

City of London Academies Trust:

O City of London Academy (Southwark)

O Redriff Primary, City of London Academy

O Galleywall Primary, City of London Academy

O City of London Primary Academy Islington

O City of London Academy Highgate Hill

O City of London Academy Highbury Grove

O City of London Academy Shoreditch Park

O Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre City of London Academy

Local Authority maintained school:

O Sir John Cass’s Foundation Primary School


O City of London School

O City of London School for Girls

O City of London Freemen’s School

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