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Tailored review of the Teaching Regulation Agency

Nick Gibb Minister of State for School Standards

The Teaching Regulation Agency was established in 2018 to support schools, head teachers and employers with safeguarding responsibilities.

The agency is responsible for taking action on allegations of serious teacher misconduct and supporting employers to complete pre-recruitment checks to ensure they employ appropriately qualified teachers.

Proportionate and effective regulation is vital for ensuring that schools and parents can have confidence in the teaching profession, as part of our commitment to ensuring high standards in all schools.

The Department for Education and its arm’s length bodies must work together with a shared understanding of purpose, outcomes and accountability.

This review has provided the opportunity to consider this relationship. It also considered whether the initial objectives of establishing the agency have been achieved. I was pleased to note that the report concludes that the main objectives established during the set up of the agency have been achieved.

The review also makes recommendations to further strengthen the work of the agency. This includes seeking and acting on customer and stakeholder feedback to improve its service and learning from other regulators on how best to measure performance. I endorse these proposals, alongside all findings and conclusions of the report.

I would like to thank all those who contributed to the review, especially the CEO, Alan Meyrick, and all his staff for their collaboration with the review team.

Nick Gibb Minister of State for School Standards

The conclusions and recommendations from the Teaching Regulation Agency tailored review.


Tailored review: report on the Teaching Regulation Agency

Ref: DfE-00156-2020PDF, 596KB, 43 pages


The aim of tailored reviews is to provide a challenge of arm’s length bodies (ALBs), to ensure that they are fit for purpose and are offering value for taxpayer’s money by assessing the ongoing need for ALBs and scrutinising a number of areas.

This tailored review builds on previous work that established the Teaching Regulation Agency in 2018, and provided an opportunity to consider how the agency is meeting its objectives for regulating the teaching profession in England.

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