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£33 million funding boost to support personalised learner support in collesges

Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language

The Welsh Government will provide £33m to support learners in colleges and sixth forms across Wales, as part of the £150m it has committed to the education response to Covid-19. 

The funding will be split between post-16 education providers, with £24.25m for further education colleges and £8.75m for school sixth forms.

The funding will support additional teaching time, both in the classroom environment and one-to-one support, that can be tailored to the needs of individual full-time 16-19 learners who are beginning their AS, A-levels or vocational courses at either a sixth form or FE college.

Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, said:

“In terms of education, learners who began their post-16 education this academic year have been particularly impacted by the pandemic.

“Though the way staff and students made the transition into blended learning has been excellent, there is simply no substitute for face-to-face learning in a class or lecture room with a teaching professional. Some students found learning online particularly challenging and I’m conscious of the impact of the pandemic on learners from the most disadvantaged backgrounds.

“It’s essential we invest now to support those students, so they can be reassured that they will have the time and support they need to re-engage with their education and enhance their learning.”  

Iestyn Davies, Chief Executive of Colegau Cymru, the body working with Wales’ thirteen Further Education colleges, said:

“Welsh Government assistance has been key to supporting learners in colleges and schools. This significant and much needed funding will help colleges and school sixth forms offer tailored support to young people as they enter post-compulsory education. 

“COVID 19 has undoubtedly impacted learners as they transition from compulsory schooling and onwards to the next stage of their education journey. However, the government’s commitment to both their learning and wellbeing means they will receive the support they need to take their next steps. It is testament to the Minister and the administration’s commitment to provide the support that is required.”

Hwb ariannol sylweddol i gefnogi cymorth wedi’i bersonoli i ddysgwyr

Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu £33m i gefnogi dysgwyr mewn colegau a dysgwyr yn y chweched dosbarth ledled Cymru, fel rhan o’r £150m mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i ymrwymo i’r ymateb addysg i COVID-19.

Bydd y cyllid yn cael ei rannu rhwng darparwyr addysg ôl-16, gyda £24.25m ar gyfer colegau addysg bellach ac £8.75m ar gyfer addysg chweched dosbarth mewn ysgolion.

Bydd yr arian yn cefnogi amser addysgu ychwanegol, mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth a chymorth un-i-un, y gellir ei deilwra i anghenion dysgwyr amser llawn ac unigol sydd rhwng 16 ac 19 oed ac sy’n dechrau eu cyrsiau UG, Safon Uwch neu gyrsiau galwedigaethol, naill ai yn y chweched dosbarth mewn ysgol neu mewn coleg addysg bellach.

Dywedodd Jeremy Miles, Gweinidog y Gymraeg ag Addysg:

“O ran addysg, mae’r pandemig wedi effeithio’n fawr ar ddysgwyr a ddechreuodd eu haddysg ôl-16 yn y flwyddyn academaidd hon.

“Er bod staff a myfyrwyr wedi gallu addasu’n rhagorol i ddysgu cyfunol, ni all fyth gymryd lle addysg wyneb yn wyneb mewn ystafell ddosbarth neu ystafell ddarlithio gyda gweithiwr addysgu proffesiynol. Roedd dysgu ar-lein yn brofiad heriol iawn i rai myfyrwyr ac rwy’n ymwybodol o effaith y pandemig ar ddysgwyr o’r cefndiroedd mwyaf difreintiedig yn enwedig.

“Mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn buddsoddi nawr i gefnogi’r myfyrwyr hynny, fel y gallant deimlo bod ganddynt yr amser a’r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt i ailgysylltu â’u haddysg.” 

Dywedodd Iestyn Davies, Prif Weithredwr Colegau Cymru, y corff sy’n gweithio gyda’r 13 o golegau Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru:

“Mae cymorth Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn allweddol i gefnogi dysgwyr mewn colegau ac ysgolion. Bydd y cyllid sylweddol hwn, y mae gwir ei angen, yn helpu colegau ac addysg chweched dosbarth mewn ysgolion i gynnig cymorth sydd wedi’i deilwra i bobl ifanc wrth iddynt ddechrau addysg ôl-orfodol.

“Heb unrhyw amheuaeth mae COVID 19 wedi effeithio ar ddysgwyr wrth iddyn nhw drosglwyddo o addysg orfodol ac ymlaen i gam nesaf eu taith addysg. Fodd bynnag, mae ymrwymiad y llywodraeth i ddysgu a lles yn golygu y bydd y dysgwyr hyn yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt i gymryd eu camau nesaf. Mae’n dyst i ymrwymiad y Gweinidog a’r weinyddiaeth i ddarparu’r cymorth sydd ei angen.”

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