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Public sector apprenticeship reporting deadline: 30 September

The public sector apprenticeship reporting deadline is fast approaching, so please submit your report before 30 September.

All public bodies in England with more than 250 employees must report on the apprenticeship target. This target is to employ at least 2.3% of the workforce as new apprenticeship starts for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2021. It is assessed as an annual average over this 4 year period, and progress is reported annually.

It is mandatory to report this annually on the apprenticeship service and the deadline for the report to be completed is 30 September each year from 2018 to 2021.

Reports are submitted using the public sector apprenticeship reporting tool which can be found within the organisation’s manage apprenticeships account. The reports will help shape a national picture of the way that public bodies are contributing to the government’s target of creating three million new apprenticeship starts by 2020.

Certain public bodies are exempt from submitting a report, such as the BBC, Channel 4 and the Post Office Ltd. FE colleges are also exempt as they are not seen as wholly public bodies.

Although the report is short, employers will need key pieces of information at hand to complete it.

This includes:

  • The number of employees the organisation has working in England.
  • The number of those taken on during the reporting period.
  • The number of employees currently doing apprenticeships in England.
  • The number that started an apprenticeship in England during that reporting period.

Employers will also need information about:

  • The actions the organisation has taken to meet its target.
  • Factors that have impacted its ability to meet the target.
  • What actions are planned to help the organisation to meet its target in future.

For more information, read how to complete your public sector apprenticeships report 

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