Don’t leave third sector community learning providers out in the cold

Tim Ward from TSNLA asks local authorities not to leave third sector community learning providers out in the cold.
ESFA recently announced the offer of additional non-formula community learning funding for 2018/2019 to 30 local authorities to maintain existing levels of funding in their area. What is not made clear by the ESFA is that some of this replaces non-formula funding lost by independent third sector community learning providers as an outcome of the 2017 AEB procurement process.
While TSNLA welcomes the decision to make this funding available, we are disappointed that ESFA did not reinstate the allocations directly to third sector providers affected by this original loss of funding. Third sector providers used this funding to good effect to support outreach, engagement and progression activities. While providers can use AEB for community learning activity, non-formula funding allowed flexible, responsive and innovative activity aimed at the most disadvantaged and excluded in our communities.
Tim Ward CEO of TSNLA says:
‘We have identified a number of third sector providers affected by the loss of non-formula community learning funding and are encouraging them to approach local authorities in their area to seek subcontracting partnerships. We are calling on local authorities to respond positively to any such approaches.’
For more information call 07870 622132 or email Tim Ward, CEO, Third Sector National Learning Alliance.