Terry Longden From “The Salon” and “The X-Factor” Appears At Fife Hair and Beauty Show

Sunday’s Hair and Beauty Show at Fife College showcased the latest developments in hair and beauty. Big names in the hair and beauty world exhibited their products and showed off their talents in a catwalk style show within the college’s impressive new atrium space. Some of the top names in hair and beauty attended the show, including Terry Longden, celebrity make-over stylist for Sharon Osbourne’s team of TV’s “The X-Factor”.
“I was really happy to invited to the show- it enables me to keep my hand in the industry and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. It has also been great meeting the students all of whom did a fantastic job today!” said Longden. He attended the show as Colour Artistic Director for hair colour specialists Matrix UK.
The show marks the launch of Fife College’s new Institute of Hair and Beauty in conjunction with Glenrothes College. Kathryn Crabtree, the newly appointed Director of the Institute was pleased with the fantastic start the show gave the Institute and with the tremendous effort made by all of the exhibitors, students and staff. “The icing on the cake was having Terry here as our guest!” exclaimed Crabtree.