Recognition of professional qualifications: guidance for regulatory bodies

Guidance for regulatory and professional bodies on arrangements to facilitate the mutual recognition of professional qualifications.
Arrangements to facilitate the recognition of professional qualifications (accessible webpage)
Arrangements to facilitate the recognition of professional qualifications
PDF, 298KB, 31 pages
This guidance addresses:
- initiating the process for negotiating and implementing Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) with international trade partners
- initiating the process for negotiating and implementing MRAs with EU trade partners using the MRA framework agreed under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and future trade agreements
- upholding the commitments in the Common Travel Area (CTA) between the UK and Ireland
- other arrangements (in addition to MRAs) to facilitate mutual recognition with international counterparts
- domestic standards for recognition of international professional qualifications in the UK
- how the UK government can support regulatory and professional bodies to enter into recognition arrangements