A guide for training providers that currently offer apprenticeship training, and for those that are considering offering apprenticeship training in the future.


Prepare to offer apprenticeships


Starting to deliver apprenticeships


Ongoing apprenticeship delivery


Completion of the apprenticeship


Ofsted Inspection and ESFA intervention



Apprenticeships should meet the skills needs of apprentices and the needs of employers of all sizes.

Understanding the local skills and employment market can help with planning what apprenticeship training you can offer.

Every apprentice should have a high-quality experience that prepares them for a successful career and supports their progression to higher level skills.

This guide is intended for both new and existing providers of all types delivering apprenticeships at any level, and providers who are planning to deliver apprenticeships in the future. It focuses on the essential steps required to prepare for and then deliver high quality apprenticeships. It will be updated over time which may include links to additional content.

This guide will be followed by similar guides for employers, end point assessment organisations and for apprentices, reflecting that apprenticeships should be a three-way partnership between the provider, the employer and the apprentice.

Published 1 April 2021