New school proposals

Lists of local authorities seeking academy and free school proposers, and of all academies and free schools already set up.
Local authorities seeking proposers
ODS, 4.83KB
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Local authorities seeking proposers
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 21.6KB
Section 6A approved/under consideration schools
ODS, 68.1KB
This file is in an OpenDocument format
Section 6A approved/under consideration schools
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 5.69MB
‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ contains details of all local authorities seeking proposers to establish a new academy or free school.
It includes the:
- name of the local authority
- location of the new school
- phase of education
- capacity of the school
- sponsor application closing date
- link to the local authority specification and application form
‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ contains details of:
- academies and free schools that have approval
- free schools that do not yet have approval under the ‘academies/free school presumption’ section of the Education and Inspections Act 2006
It includes the:
- date of decision
- name of the local authority
- proposed location of the school at the time of approval
- phase of education
- proposed opening date at the time of approval (which can change)
Read the ‘Free school presumption’ document for guidance on the process for establishing new schools.
Published 16 December 2013
Last updated 1 June 2021 + show all updates
Moved Barugh Green and Higham, Barnsley MBC and Wood Wharf, Tower Hamlets from ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration’ to reflect that the presumption competition has ended. Dinnington, Rotherham MBC has been moved from ‘schools under consideration’ to ‘schools approved’ in ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration’.
Documents updated to show presumption competition in Runwell, Essex finished and changes to proposed opening times for schools in Northallerton and Knaresborough.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to add Waterbeach New Town West, Cambridgeshire. Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to move 4 schools to approved.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet with 2 new presumption competitions for mainstream primary free schools in Royston, Barnsley and Wood Wharf, Tower Hamlets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ and ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to reflect that the competition for a mainstream primary school in Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham has closed, and that Kingsbrook School in Buckinghamshire has had an approved sponsor agreed (Insignis Academy Trust).
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to reflect that the competition for a new primary school in Milton Keynes has closed. Added a new presumption competition for a mainstream primary school in Runwell, Essex to ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’.
Presumption competition for Dinnington, Rotherham project has closed and been removed from ‘Local Authorities Seeking Proposers’ and added to ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration’.
Added Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to list of local authorities seeking proposers.
Presumption competition for Okehampton Devon project has closed and been removed from ‘Local Authorities Seeking Proposers’ and added to ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration’.
Added Rotherham Borough Council to list of local authorities seeking proposers.
Two new competitions (Calverton, Milton Keynes & Bishop’s Cleeve, Gloucestershire) have opened and have been added to the ‘Details of LA’s currently seeking proposers’ spreadsheet. One presumption project (Ashby de la Zouche) now has a sponsor approved by the RSC and has been moved across to the ‘Schools Approved’ tab in the ‘Section 6A – approved and under consideration’ spreadsheet.
Updated Local authorities currently seeking proposers to reflect Northallerton and Knaresborough competitions have closed. Updated Section 6A approved/under consideration schools to reflect that a sponsor has been approved for the Chilton Lees, Stowmarket project.
Update to ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets and ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ spreadsheets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ documents to reflect a new presumption competition in Devon.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to reflect a new competition in Hertfordshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Documents updated to reflect 2 new presumption competitions launching.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to reflect that Northamptonshire County Council’s competition has finished. Also updated the ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to reflect that a sponsor has been approved for Warwickshire County Council’s project.
Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Added updated versions of ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’.
Updated local authorities seeking proposers spreadsheets.
Updated local authorities seeking proposers spreadsheets.
Added updated versions of the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ files. New information includes adding a competition for Central Bedfordshire, removing 2 for Suffolk and one for Derby City Council. There is also an extension of the deadline for the Warwickshire competition.
Added updated versions of the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ files. New information includes adding a competition for Warwickshire, removing 2 for Leicestershire and extending the closing date for one in Derby.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ and ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet to show that Leicestershire has launched new presumption competitions.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet to show that Suffolk has launched new presumption competitions.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet to show that Milton Keynes has launched a new presumption competition.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet to show that Leeds, Leicestershire and Gloucestershire have launched new presumption competitions.
Local authorities seeking proposers document updated: Nottinghamshire County Council has published a specification on its website seeking proposals to establish a new free school in Teal Close.
Local authorities seeking proposers document updated: Norfolk County Council has published a specification on its website seeking proposals to establish a new free school in Fakenham, Norfolk.
‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document updated: the deadline for submitting proposals for the presumption free school in Brent has been extended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ and ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’.
Updated documents ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to remove the entry for Birmingham, included proposals for Staffordshire and notifications for Hertfordshire, Leicestershire and Essex.
Two new free schools approved and added to ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’.
Updated documents ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ with revised closing date for Birmingham applications.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to remove entries for presumption schools in East Sussex and Nottinghamshire, and add entry for the presumption competition in Birmingham. Replaced documents ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to add presumptions from East Sussex and Nottinghamshire.
Replaced both ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ docs with updated versions.
Replaced ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ documents with updated versions.
Attached updated versions of ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’. The documents have been updated to include a link to the specification for a new primary presumption free school in Dartford, Kent.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ tables with Derbyshire’s specification for a new free school in Hackwood Farm, Derby.
Updated the attached documents. The deadline has passed for submitting proposals for the presumption free schools in Kensington Barlby, Devon Tiverton and Oxford Bicester. Smith’s Farm Primary School, Great Dunmow, Essex has been removed from the schools under consideration tab as this project has now been cancelled. Nerrols Farm, Taunton, Somerset has been removed from the under consideration tab and added to the approved tab as this has now had RSC approval. Victoria Road, Margate has been removed from the under consideration tab and added to the approved tab as this has now had RSC approval.
Documents updated as the deadline for submitting proposals to Kent and Oxfordshire has passed.
Added updated versions of all attachments.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ tables
Added an entry for a new 315 place primary school in West Witney to the local authority seeking proposers spreadsheet, as Oxfordshire County Council have launched a presumption competition. Moved the entry for the presumption competition at Lubbesthorpe, Leicestershire, to the schools under consideration tab of the Section 6A approved/under consideration spreadsheet, as the deadline for this competition has passed and it has now entered the assessment phase. Moved the entry for Kings Gate, Amesbury, from the schools under consideration tab to the schools approved by DfE tab of the Section 6A approved/under consideration spreadsheet, as a sponsor for this project has been approved by the RSC and it has entered pre-opening.
Updated documents to reflect latest new schools proposals status.
Updated the ‘local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet to include Suffolk county council’s free school presumption competition for Lakenheath, Forest Heath.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities seeking proposers’ to remove the special presumption in Hailsham, East Sussex, as the deadline for receipt of proposals has now passed. Updated ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration schools’ to add Hailsham, East Sussex, under ‘Schools under consideration’. Updated ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration schools’ to move the Boulton Moor and Drakelow primary presumption projects in Derbyshire from ‘schools under consideration’ to ‘schools approved by DfE’ as the sponsors for these projects have been approved by the RSC.
Updated ‘local authorities seeking proposers’ to include specifications for a secondary school in Leckhampton, Cheltenham and a primary school in Lubbesthorpe, Leicestershire, and remove a primary school at Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon. Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ as the primary school in Streethay, Lichfield has an approved sponsor.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include a specification for a primary school in Findern, Derbyshire. Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ as the submission date for a primary school in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire has passed and a secondary school in Milton Keynes has an approved sponsor.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking approvers’ document to include a primary school at Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon. This project had entered the assessment stage, but Swindon Borough Council have decided to re-run the competition to accept a late entrant. Updated ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration’ documents to remove Tadpole Garden Village, as the competition for this project is being re-run.
Added updated versions of local authorities seeking proposers spreadsheet to include East Sussex county council
Updated the format of the spreadsheets. Updated local authorities seeking proposers as the applications for a secondary school in Margate, Kent are under consideration. Updated section 6A approved/under consideration schools as Wintringham Park, Cambridgeshire; North West Horley, Surrey; Southam Road, Oxfordshire; Chestnut Avenue, Hampshire; Okehampton, Devon; and Alconbury Weald special school, Cambridgeshire have approval.
Replaced the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets with updated versions.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheets.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include a secondary presumption project in Margate as Kent county council have launched a presumption competition; removed links to the specifications for the presumption projects in Western Expansion Area, Drakelow and Boulton Moor, as the deadline for these competitions has now passed.
Removed links from ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ spreadsheet for Tadpole Garden Village, North Swindon, Kelvin Way, West Bromwich and Paxman Avenue, Colchester because proposal deadlines have closed. Added details to ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration free schools’ spreadsheet for Tadpole Garden Village, North Swindon, Kelvin Way, West Bromwich and Paxman Avenue, Colchester because these projects have entered the assessment phase.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ with 3 primary presumption free school specifications for Tadpole Garden Village in Swindon, and Boulton Moor and Drakelow in Derbyshire. Updated ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration schools’ as a primary presumption free school in North Huddersfield, Kirklees has approval.
Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to add Lichfield, Staffordshire to ‘schools under consideration’. Removed the entry for this project from ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as the deadline for submitting proposals has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to add a school specification in west Bromwich, Sandwell. Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to add Okehampton, Devon and Amesbury, Wiltshire, to ‘schools under consideration’ and to add Beaulieu Park, Essex, to ‘schools approved by DfE’.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to add specifications for new schools in Lichfield, Staffordshire; Western Expansion Area, Milton Keynes; and Colchester, Essex. Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to add Alconbury Weald special school to ‘schools under consideration’.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as the local authority is still accepting applications for a new primary school in Okehampton, Devon. Updated ‘Section 6A approved and under consideration schools’ as Kents Hill Park primary and secondary schools have approval to become a single ‘all-through’ school. Also, Red Lodge primary school in Suffolk, Chilmington Green primary school in Kent and Mulberry Park primary school in Bath have approval.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include a new tab for special free schools competition, launched on 27 July.
Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ as Perham Down has approval.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as local authorities wish to establish new schools in Chelmsford, Okehampton and Huntingdon. Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ as Waverley Primary has approval.
Updated ‘ Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ as North West Horley applications are under consideration. Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as local authorities are seeking proposals to establish a new free school at Chilmington Green, Ashford and North Huddersfield.
Updated the documents as Red Lodge free school proposals are now under consideration.
Added Surrey county council’s specification seeking proposals for a new free school to ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’.
Replaced ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ and ‘Section 6A approved / under consideration schools’ documents.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to include Daws Hill primary school in the Buckinghamshire local authority.
Added Wiltshire council proposal for a new free school in Perham Down. Removed Bath and North East Somerset council from ‘Local authorities seeking proposals’ and added to ‘ Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’.
A new free school has been approved by the Regional Schools Commissioner in Leicestershire local authority through the Section 6A presumption route.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document to include a specification from Rotherham local authority.
Updated ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to include approved new free schools in Bedfordshire, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include two free schools in Milton Keynes and one in Bath and ‘Section 6A approved/under consideration schools’ to include a new free school in Leicestershire.
A new free school has been approved by the regional schools commissioner in Cambridgeshire local authority through the Section 6A presumption route.
Replaced the ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ document with ‘Section 6A schools approved or under consideration’. The new spreadsheet gives a more accurate picture of free schools proposed by local authorities and established under Section 6A.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include Buckinghamshire County Council’s revised specification seeking proposals to establish a new school on the Daws Hill development in High Wycombe.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show the agreed sponsor for a new primary free school in Northamptonshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to extend the deadline for Great Dunmow, Essex; add specifications for new primary school proposals in Bedford and High Wycombe; and remove Northgate, Bridgwater, as the deadline has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ because the submission date for a new primary school in Wiltshire has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include a new primary school in Bedford.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ with agreed sponsors for free schools in: Pineham Barns, Northampton; Whitehouse, Milton Keynes; Fairfields, Milton Keynes.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ because the submission date for 2 new primary schools in Wokingham has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as Sheffield is seeking to establish 2 new schools and the submission date for Suffolk has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ because Somerset is seeking proposals to establish a new school in Bridgwater.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposals’ because the submission date for Kings Hallam Fields, Leicestershire, proposals has passed.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show agreed sponsors for new free schools in Warwickshire, Manchester, Bath and North East Somerset.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’. North west Essex is seeking to establish a new school.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ with new closing dates for 2 new primary schools in Wokingham.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include a new school at Fugglestone Red, Salisbury, Wiltshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for 2 new primary schools in Wokingham.
Removed Oxfordshire from ‘Local authorities seeking proposals’ because the submission date for Kingsmere proposals has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include the specification for a new special school in Suffolk.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’, as the time for submitting proposals for Whitehouse and Fairfields in Milton Keynes as well as Berryfields 3 in Aylesbury Town, Buckinghamshire, has ended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’. Added Leicestershire as it is seeking to establish a new school in Birstall. Removed Essex as the time for submitting proposals has ended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’, as the time for submitting proposals for Chellaston Fields and the Mease at Hilton in Derbyshire has ended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’. Added Oxfordshire as it is seeking to establish a new school. Removed Manchester as the time for submitting proposals has ended.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show agreed sponsors for new free schools in Essex and Cambridgeshire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as Buckinghamshire local authority is seeking proposals for a new school in Berryfields.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as the time for submitting proposals in Bracknell Forrest and Northamptonshire has ended.
Added Essex and Derbyshire local authorities to ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’. Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show agreed sponsors for new academies in Thurrock, Kirklees, Warwickshire, Wokingham, Devon and North Somerset.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as Manchester City local authority is seeking to establish a new school in Rusholme, Manchester.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as Milton Keynes local authority is seeking proposals to establish 2 new schools.
Removed Buckinghamshire, Bath and north-east Somerset, and Dorset from ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as the deadline for school specification proposals has passed.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as Bracknell Forest local authority is seeking proposals to establish new schools.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show the sponsor for the new academy in Castle Hill, Dartford.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new primary school in West Christchurch, Dorset.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show the sponsors for the new academies in Somerset.
Updated the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document because the proposer submission period is over in the north Somerset, Devon and Essex local authorities.
Updated the ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ document to include the agreed sponsor for new academies in Oldham and Leicestershire.
Updated the ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for new schools in Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire.
Updated the ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under 6A’ to show the agreed sponsor for the new academy in Ridgeway Farm, Wiltshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new primary school in Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document. Removed Gloucestershire and Buckinghamshire specifications as the time for submitting proposals has ended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new school Huddersfield, South West.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include new projects in Bath & NE Somerset.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new school proposed in Weston-Super-Mare, north Somerset.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new primary school proposed in Sherford South Hams.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specifications for new primary schools proposed in Gloucestershire and Buckinghamshire.
Revised ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document – Cambridgeshire county council published specifications seeking proposals to establish 2 new schools.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under 6A’ showing the agreed sponsors for new academies in Barton, Maidstone, Alconbury Weald, Colchester, King’s Lynn, Newbury and Banbury.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document to reflect that the time has ended for submitting proposals in Oldham local authority.
To show the agreed sponsors for new academies in West Berkshire, Essex, Norfolk and Cambridge.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document: Wokingham local authority is seeking proposals to establish 2 new primary schools, and the deadline for submitting proposals to Leicestershire local authority has closed.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ document to show the agreed sponsors for new academies in North Yorkshire and Manchester.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document as Somerset county council has published a specification seeking proposals to establish 2 new schools in Yeovil.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document – Wiltshire local authority has published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Ridgeway Farm, Purton.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document – Wokingham local authority has published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Arborfield, Wokingham.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as Oldham and Leicestershire local authorities have published specifications seeking proposals to establish new schools.
Removed Kent local authority specification from ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’.
Added updated version of ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as the deadline for submitting proposals for new schools in Cambridgeshire and Manchester LAs has now expired.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document. The time for submitting proposals ended in Kent and Oxfordshire, therefore specification removed. Kent county council published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Dartford.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ document. This reflects the addition of an agreed sponsor for the new academy in Hardwicke, Gloucestershire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document. The time for submitting proposals ended for West Berkshire local authority – specification therefore removed. Manchester local authority published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Ardwick.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’. Removed the school specifications for Essex and Norfolk local authorities as the time for submitting proposals has ended. Added specification from Oxfordshire local authority seeking proposals to establish a new school in Barton.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document to reflect that Kent local authority is seeking proposals to establish a new school in Maidstone.
Added updated versions of both documents to include the specification for a new primary school in Cambridgeshire and to show the agreed sponsor for the new academy in Lincolnshire.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document: amended capacity for the new primary academy in Colchester, Essex.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document as Essex county council has published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Colchester.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show the agreed sponsors for the new academies in: Workington, Cumbria; Cranbrook, Devon; Chelmsford, Essex; and Langham, Essex.
Replaced ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as the deadline to submit proposals in Oxfordshire LA has passed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include specifications seeking proposals to establish new schools in Newbury and King’s Lynn. Also updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to show the agreed sponsor for the new academy in South Gloucestershire.
Updated to show the agreed sponsor for the new academy in Worthing, West Sussex.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document as the time for submitting proposals for the new provision project in Takeley, Essex has ended.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as Oxfordshire county council has published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Banbury.
Updated ‘’Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as the time for submitting proposals for new schools in Essex LA has been extended.
Updated. Kent deadline passed.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as proposal deadline for Essex County Council has passed.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ spreadsheet to show the agreed sponsors for the new academies in Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Staffordshire.
Updated the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ document to include the specification for a new primary school in Takeley, Essex.
Updated local authorities seeking proposals information.
Replaced local authorities seeking proposals information.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ to include the specification for a new primary school in Kent County Council.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’: proposal deadline for Hampshire, Telford and Wrekin, South Gloucester and Staffordshire has passed, so the new school specifications need to be removed.
Updated ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ as Gloucestershire County Council has published a specification seeking proposals to establish a new school in Hardwicke.
Updated the ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ list to include a specification from Essex County Council seeking proposals to establish a new school in Chelmsford. Also updated the ‘Recently established schools under s6A’ list to show the agreed sponsor for the new academy in Northamptonshire.
Removed school specifications for North Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire from ‘Local authorities seeking proposers’.
Updated to include the specification for a new primary school in Lichfield in Staffordshire, to remove the specification for a new school in North Hykeham, Lincolnshire and to extend the deadline for receiving proposals in North Yorkshire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document: a specification has been launched in South Gloucestershire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document: Telford and Wrekin Council have issued a specification seeking proposals to establish a new primary school.
The attached documents have been updated to remove the specification for Devon County Council and to add the winning sponsors for Kent and Suffolk.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document: a specification has been launched to establish a new primary school in Hampshire.
Updated ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’ to include the agreed sponsor for two new academies in Cambridgeshire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ as a specification has been launched in North Yorkshire.
Updated details of local authorities currently seeking proposers
‘Local authorities currently seeking proposers’ document updated: a specification has been launched in Cranbrook, East Devon, and a specification for Oxfordshire has been removed as the time for submitting proposals has ended.
‘Details of authorities currently seeking proposers’ document updated.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ to remove NW Bicester project in Oxfordshire.
Updated to show the agreed sponsors for the new academies in Hampshire and Oxfordshire.
A revised version of the ‘Recently established schools under section 6A’. The revision shows the agreed sponsor for all new academies in West Sussex, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire. Secondly, the ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ has been revised to reflect that a specification has been launched in Barton, Oxfordshire.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ to include Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Updated ‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ to include North West Bicester, Oxfordshire.
Updated details of local authorities currently seeking proposers.
New spreadsheet added showing the agreed sponsor for the new academy in Kensington and Chelsea.
New spreadsheet added showing the agreed sponsor for the new academies in Camden and Barnet.
‘Details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ file has been updated.
Updated the ‘details of local authorities currently seeking proposers’ spreadsheet.
Local authorities currently seeking proposers attachment updated with a new version.
Updated to show the agreed sponsor for all the new academies being funded through the department’s targeted basic need (TBN) programme and the new academy in Spalding, Lincolnshire.
First published.