Uplift factors and postcode files
Reference data on area cost uplifts and disadvantage uplift factors for data and MI analysts and other interested parties to use with ESFA funding calculations.
2020 to 2021 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2019 to 2020 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2018 to 2019 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2017 to 2018 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2016 to 2017 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2015 to 2016 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2014 to 2015 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2013 to 2014 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
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2016 to 2017 large employer file: CSV
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2015 to 2016 large employer file: CSV
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2014 to 2015 large employer file: CSV
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We use this data in funding calculations to support publicly funded education and skills in England; covering 16 to 19 study programmes, the adult education budget, apprenticeships, the European Social Fund and the Advanced Learner Loans Bursary.
How we use data from different years
For 16 to 19 funded learners we apply the most recent single funding years’ factors to all students in that funding year, regardless of their start date.
For adult-funded aims and apprenticeship frameworks, we changed our calculations in the 2016 to 2017 year to apply the factor or cash value in our calculations based on the date when the learner started the aim or programme. For example, for learners who started adult-funded aims or apprenticeship frameworks from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2018, we use the values from the 2017 to 2018 tables in the 2018 to 2019 funding calculations.
For learners who started apprenticeship frameworks or adult-funded aims before 1 August 2016, we apply the values or factors from the 2015 to 2016 tables.
Postcodes area cost uplifts
The area cost uplift reflects the higher cost of delivering provision in some parts of the country, such as London and the south east.
Postcodes disadvantage uplift factors
This is an uplift or amount for learners living in the most disadvantaged areas of the country. We based these on the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 up to and including the 2015 to 2016 funding year. From the 2016 to 2017 year onwards, we use the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015.
We calculate the uplift values using the Lower Layer Super Output Area (LLSOA) category of the postcode. The final column shows the cash value of disadvantage funding which we use in the funding calculations for apprenticeship frameworks which started from 1 May 2017. We also derive these cash values from the LLSOA.
More information is available within the apprenticeship funding technical guidance.
Lower layer super output areas (LLSOA) factors
The LLSOA file shows the disadvantage uplifts that apply to lower layer super output areas. Super output areas are a set of geographical areas developed following the 2001 Census with the aim of defining areas of consistent size whose boundaries would not change between censuses.
We use LLSOA values based on the census for analysis and reporting, and the disadvantage factors reflect the areas used in the relevant year’s census.
Up to the year 2015 to 2016, we used the 2010 Index of Multiple Deprivation which used the LLSOAs from the 2001 Census as its underlying mapping.
For the year 2016 to 2017 onwards, we use the 2015 Index of Multiple Deprivation. This used the LLSOA mapping from the 2011 Census.
Postcodes may change their assigned Lower Layer Super Output Area (LLSOA) during the course of the year due to boundary changes. We freeze values based on a postcode’s LLSOA at the start of the funding year and this can result in some postcodes within a LLSOA having a different value to the one published in the LLSOA Uplift factors table.
Large employer file
This only applies to apprenticeship framework starts before 1 May 2017.
The large employer file is used in the apprenticeship funding calculation by providing a list of workplace location identifiers which we match to the ILR to determine whether the large employer discount applies.
As this part of the calculation only applies to starts before 1 May 2017, we are no longer publishing new versions of this file, but we will still use the data in calculations while those learners remain on programme.
If an apprenticeship framework programme started before 1 August 2016, we use the value in the 2015 to 2016 large employer file in the calculations. If an apprenticeship framework started from 1 August 2016 to 30 April 2017, we use the value in the 2016 to 2017 large employer file.
Adult Education Budget (AEB) postcode files
To support the devolution of AEB, we have produced a postcode file to show which postcodes are within the devolved areas, and consequently which body is responsible for AEB learners from a given postcode.
Published 30 April 2014
Last updated 6 April 2021 + show all updates
We have updated the 2020 to 2021 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA files.
We have updated the 2020 to 2021 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA files.
We have added the postcode factor files for academic year 2020 to 2021.
We have updated the postcode factors for 2019 to 2020
We have updated the 2019 to 2020 postcode factors zip file
We have uploaded updated postcode factor files for academic year 2019 to 2020
We have updated the text on the page
We have updated the 2018 to 2019 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files.
We have updated the 2018 to 2019 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files.
We have published 2018 to 2019 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files.
Updated 2017 to 2018 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files.
New file titled 2017 to 2018 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files uploaded on 11 August 2017.
Updated 2016 to 2017 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files.
Editorial changes made to detail section of the page on 19 December 2016.
Revised version of: * 2016 to 2017 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: csv files * 2015 to 2016 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: csv files uploaded on 28 November 2016.
New version of 2016 to 2017 large employer file uploaded on 18 October 2016.
2016 to 2017 large employer file uploaded on 11 August 2016.
2016 to 2017 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files uploaded on 11 August 2016.
New version of 2015 to 2016 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA csv file uploaded on 22 December 2015.
2015 to 2016 Large Employer File uploaded on 10 September 2015.
New file 2015 to 2016 Uplift Factors by Postcode and LLSOA uploaded on 24 August 2015.
New version of 2014 to 2015 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA uploaded on 22 June 2015.
Updated 2014-15 Uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA file uploaded on 23 April 2015.
New Postcode Uplift Factors 2014 to 2015 uploaded 10 December 2014.
New 2014 to 2015 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files zip uploaded on 7 November 2014.
Large employer file (CSV) uploaded on 22 September 2014.
New document added – 2013 to 2014 uplift factors by postcode and LLSOA: CSV files
First published.