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Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training


This Level 4 teaching qualification is designed to develop delegates practical teaching skills helping them to become effective teachers in a range of Post-16 contexts.…

Workforce developments fit for the future Join Kerry Boffey FIN and Alex Miles AMFE as they delve into recent Ofsted report findings and discuss how…


Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…

Preparing for an Ofsted Inspection


Many providers remain anxious about inspection under the Education Inspection Framework and the changes which accompany the latest release of the inspection handbook. Planning your…

Strategies to ensure learning sticks

Derby Conference Centre - DE24 8UX Derby Conference Centre

Join us for an enlightening one-hour webinar, "Strategies to Ensure Learning Sticks," facilitated by Jai Sharda, former HMI and seasoned educator. This exclusive webinar, free…


Understanding Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2023/24


The apprenticeship funding rules and requirements for 2023/24 have been fairly extensively modified affecting the paperwork and processes which providers need to use.  At this…