Official Statistics: Appeals for GCSE, AS, A level and Project: 2019 to 2020 academic year

Statistics on the number of appeals against results for GCSEs, AS and A levels and Project qualifications for November 2019, January 2020 and summer 2020 exam series.
Appeals for GCSE, AS, A level and Project qualifications: 2019/20 academic year
Ref: Ofqual/20/6623HTML
Background information for appeals for GCSE, AS/A level and Project qualifications: 2019/20 academic year
Ref: Ofqual/21/6790/1HTML
Data tables for appeals for GCSE, AS, A level and Project qualifications
Ref: Ofqual/21/6790/2MS Excel Spreadsheet, 53.3KB
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Pre-release access list for appeals for GCSE, AS, A level and Project qualifications
The main findings regarding the number of appeals made for GCSE, GCE (ASand A level) and Project qualifications for the 2019/20 academic year inEngland were:
One appeal may cover several grades and the number of appealsreceived for GCSEs and GCEs (AS and A levels) in 2019/20 was 3,625.Of these appeals 2,995 (83% of appeals received) were upheld.
Overall, 27,560 (0.45%) of the 6.1 million grades certified forGCSEs and GCEs (AS and A levels) were challenged.
Of the 27,560 GCSE and GCE grades challenged, 4,890 (18% of gradeschallenged) were changed.
Centre error was the most common reason for GCSE and GCE appeals.
For Project qualifications in 2019/20 there were 15 appeals receivedand 20 grades challenged.
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Published 25 May 2021