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Effective Apprenticeship Progress Reviews


The essential requirements for an apprenticeship, at any level, include the need for high quality Progress Reviews. Not only are they a contractual requirement, but…

Ofsted Inspection Nominee Training


During an Ofsted inspection the nominee is at the centre of the inspection and of their organisation. Led by the Solvendis Quality Improvement and Inspection…

Contextualised English, maths & ICT


Embedding English, Maths and ICT is something that many teachers and trainers are aware we should be doing in our planning, but how deep does…

Preparing for an Apprenticeship Audit


Education and Skills Funding Agency funding rules and requirements are disparate, complex and easy to misinterpret. The responsibility for identifying irregularities in the claims process,…

Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training


This Level 4 teaching qualification is designed to develop delegates practical teaching skills helping them to become effective teachers in a range of Post-16 contexts.…

Delivering Digital Functional Skills


Overview It has taken several years for Digital Skills to be reformed and brought in line with the Essential Digital Skills framework, but now in…
