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Attitudes to education: The teaching profession, higher education and foreign languages

School Standards Minister Nick Gibb

Attitudes to education and children’s services

Today (6 Jan) DfE have published the research report ‘Attitudes to education: British Social Attitudes Survey 2018’.

The report represents a broad survey of 3,000 adults across a range of subjects including the teaching profession, higher education and foreign languages in school.

School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said: 

“Foreign languages are not only increasingly important to a modern, global economy; they also open up opportunities for young people. It’s clear that society recognises the value in having a language qualification in later life, which is why we are working to increase language uptake in schools.

“The introduction of the EBacc helped halt the decline in languages. Since 2010 the proportion of pupils studying a language at GCSE has risen from 40% to 47% in 2019. We recognise that we need to increase that further which is why we are creating a network of schools to spread best practice and  introducing funding schemes like the Mandarin Excellence Programme.”

British public attitudes to education and children’s services: part of NatCen’s British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey.


Attitudes to education: the British Social Attitudes survey 2018

Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-061-4, DFE-RR958PDF, 3.68MB, 32 pages

Attitudes to education: the British Social Attitudes Survey 2017

Ref: ISBN 978-1-78105-990-6 , DFE-RR863 PDF, 678KB, 24 pages

Attitudes to education and children’s services: the British Social Attitudes survey 2016

Ref: ISBN 978-1-78105-804-6, DFE-RR732PDF, 1.07MB, 37 pages


Reports contain answers to questions seeking to measure public attitudes to:

  • the role of schools
  • post-16 education
  • pre-school care and education
  • special educational needs and disability
  • child abuse and child protection

Published 27 November 2017
Last updated 6 February 2020 + show all updates

  1. Added 2018 survey report.

  2. Added 2017 survey report.

  3. First published.

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