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Can a Growth Mindset Improve Your Grades?

A growth mindset pushes you to think optimistically – and if you dream it, you can do it. Transitioning into distance learning has been difficult for many students, decreasing the amount of interest they have in education altogether. As a result, teachers and parents are fearful their students’ grades may suffer. However, having a growth mindset about education – specifically distance learning – can dramatically improve the students’ situation.

Your mindset is built on whether you see your own character, intelligence, and abilities as fixed or capable of growth.

fixed mindset:

  • Desires to look smart or skilled when compared to others
  • Avoids challeneges and failue
  • Gives up easily
  • Ignores useful negative feedback
  • Feels threatened by the success of others

growth mindset:

  • Desires to learn and improved compared to self
  • Embraces challeneges and sees setbacks as opportunities
  • Learns from constructive criticism
  • Learns and finds inspiration in others’ success

With many summer semesters still in their beginning stages, it’s not too late to change your mindset on distance learning. For the sake of your grades, you can approach this is three easy steps. First, know you grades. Start with a list of all classes you’re in, and include the exact grade percentage you have in the course. After you have a grasp on your grades, wisely consider your options. It would be a wise idea to contact each professor in courses you’re struggling in, and consider how long you have to turn your grades around. Lastly, choose a strategy for executing your plan. 

For example, say overdue assignments are the reason for your struggles. Start with the smallest, easiest assignment first. This way, you can gain enough confidence to complete more tasks. This is known as the Snowball Method. On the other, the Avalanche Method says you should start with the hardest, most time-consuming assignment. Regardless of the method you pick, be sure to continue submitting assignments periodically. 

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