Apprentice guide to assessment

A best practice guide for apprentices to understand how they will be assessed during their end-point assessment.
Applies to England
How you will be assessed
All apprentices in England are assessed at the end of their training to ensure they are competent in their occupation and can perform all the aspects of their role.
You’ll be assessed to check the knowledge, skills and behaviours you have learned throughout your apprenticeship. This is called an end-point assessment. This is an opportunity to showcase the skills you have learned during your apprenticeship.
Completing your apprenticeship and passing your end-point assessment means that you are competent in your chosen occupation and are ready to progress in your career.
To get the best out of your apprenticeship, it is helpful to think about your end-point assessment when you begin your training.
This best practice guide outlines the roles and responsibilities of apprentices in relation to end-point assessment throughout their whole apprenticeship.
Starting your apprenticeship
End-point assessment is different for each apprenticeship.
The end-point assessment plan will outline the end-point assessment for each apprenticeship.
End-point assessment must include a minimum of 2 distinct assessment methods. These methods can include:
- practical assessment
- a project
- an interview and presentation
- written or multiple-choice tests
- an observation in the workplace
When you’re applying to an apprenticeship, it’s important to understand how you will be assessed and what areas of learning you will be assessed on. You can view the assessment plan for each apprenticeship course on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website.
Who will conduct your assessment?
End-point assessment is carried out by an independent organisation known as an end-point assessment organisation (EPAO). They will be different to the training provider.
During your induction, ask your employer and training provider how you will be assessed and what the end-point assessment process looks like for you. This will put you in the best position to succeed and be prepared for end-point assessment.
You should ask your employer and training provider:
- what is expected of you at end-point assessment
- the timeline for your apprenticeship
- if there are any professional body timelines or regulations relating to your occupation
- what success looks like in your apprenticeship
- what practice assessment materials are available
You should make your employer and training provider aware of any additional needs you may have so they can make any reasonable adjustments.
A reasonable adjustment relates to an adjustment that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or a physical or mental health condition, which may place you at a disadvantage compared to others.
During your apprenticeship
Make yourself familiar with the ways that you will be assessed in your end-point assessment.
You should complete mock assessments for all parts of your end-point assessment to make sure you will be able to demonstrate the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours.
Your training provider or end-point assessment organisation will be able to provide these for you.
To prepare for your assessment well in advance, you should:
- check if you need any materials for your assessment, such as a portfolio of evidence
- provide your end-point assessment organisation with written permission to apply for your certificate
- confirm your personal details so that the certificate is correct
Preparing for gateway and completing end-point assessment
During a period called gateway, your employer and training provider will decide if you’re ready to complete your end-point assessment.
To prepare for gateway, you should:
- confirm your end-point assessment organisation has your written permission to apply for your certificate
- confirm your personal details with the end-point assessment organisation so that the certificate is correct
- complete any work required for your end-point assessment in advance, such as a project, report or presentation
If you have met all the gateway requirements, your end-point assessment organisation will make arrangements for your end-point assessment.
Gateway requirements may include English and maths as set out in the end-point assessment plan.
End-point assessment
To prepare for your end-point assessment, you should:
- review the assessment plan to re-familiarise yourself with the assessment methods so you know what to expect
- make use of all practice materials shared with you to understand the different assessment methods
- make sure any work required has been completed and submitted
- speak with other apprentices or past apprentices to get tips for assessment
Find out in advance:
- the date and time of your end-point assessment
- where your end-point assessment is and how you will get there
- any equipment you will need, such as pens or a calculator
- any technology you will need to use for your assessment
- when and how you will find out your results
Make sure you practice with any technology that you’re unfamiliar with.
Results, feedback and celebration after end-point assessment
Your end-point assessment organisation will let you know your results, and request your certificate if you’re successful.
Resits and retakes
If you fail your end-point assessment you are able to resit or retake.
A resit involves resitting one or more components of your assessment without further training.
A retake involves doing further training before you do your assessment again.
You cannot do a resit or a retake to improve your original grade if you have passed your end-point assessment.
Celebrating your achievement
Completing your end-point assessment and passing your apprenticeship is a huge achievement that should be celebrated.
With some apprenticeships, you may also achieve a specific qualification or professional recognition.
Sharing your success story could inspire others to consider an apprenticeship and help other apprentices taking end-point assessment.
Next steps
You should speak to your employer and training provider about the next steps in your career. Your training and experience will help you take your career in the direction you want.
You may want to consider undertaking another apprenticeship at a higher level to further develop and progress.
Get help
If you need help or you’re unhappy with your end-point assessment organisation, visit apprenticeship service support.
Published 28 September 2021 Contents