Ten exemplars chosen to shine a light on the benefits of using technology effectively
Online individual learning plans at Alton College and distance learning schemes developed by ISIS Training are just two of the examples from the first learning providers chosen to form the Technology Exemplar Network.
The Technology Exemplar Network, which is jointly led by government technology partner Becta and the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), will work to share best practice for using technology between different learning providers and colleges across the country.
The ten exemplars will receive funding to help develop their use of technology and share their successes with others.
Bill Rammell MP, Minister for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, announced the exemplars at an event in London last week. Mr Rammell said: “The use of technology by colleges has the potential to make real improvements to learners” experience at college. Adopting technology and making a success of it is not easy ““ it requires effective leadership, investment and a willingness to experiment.
“I welcome the launch of the Technology Exemplar Network, which will greatly facilitate the sharing of best practice across the sector.”
The exemplars have all adopted technology to enhance learning and management. For example, City & Islington College has a dedicated e-learning team to help staff while the National Star College has turned to the defence industry to develop cutting edge practices to support students with learning disabilities.
Jane Williams, Becta’s Executive Director for Further Education, Skills and Regeneration said: “There has been significant investment in using technology in learning and we have evidence that this makes a measurable difference to learners. Becta believes that improvement comes from strong leadership across the organisation which supports practitioners in delivering modern and flexible learning opportunities for the benefit of all learners in the FE system.
“The chosen providers are leading the way ““ they have seen the potential of technology and are already seeing the results. So too are their learners, their local communities and the employers that they work with. This new Network will extend the benefits to other providers and enable us to foster good practice throughout the system.”
Jon Gamble, LSC Director for Adults and Lifelong Learning agreed:”Technology Exemplar Network members sharing effective practice via this peer support network will play a vital role in maximising the opportunities available for learners to enrich their learning experience.”
Applications are open now for new members of the Technology Exemplar Network at www.becta.org.uk/feandskills/exemplarnetwork . The closing date for applications is 19 March 2008 and successful applicants will be announced in April.
The ten exemplars are:-
Alton College
Bournemouth and Poole College
Brockenhurst College
City and Islington College
Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education
ISIS Training and Recruitment
National Star College
North Devon College
South Devon College
Xaverian Sixth Form College