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Up to Date Information Package to Support Learners at Level 2

A new toolkit aiming to encourage the delivery of challenging and engaging programmes at Level 2 has been launched across the United Kingdom this week.

This up to date information package is part of a joint venture between the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) The toolkit (entitled Improving Success for Learners at Level 2: Young People and Adults) contains visual material including DVDs and posters which will assist teachers in providing stimulating learning programmes in various subjects.

Trials Indicating Value

The procedures and techniques suggested in the pack should help make learning fun at this level and bring out the maximum potential of those involved. Trials of the toolkit have indicated it offers valuable tips and practical help on running Level 2 programmes to the highest standard. It carries the potential to improve results and ensure students are given the tools to assist them in the jobs market after completion of their studies.

The support pack was launched at a reception marking the impact of Success for All ““ the government improvement strategy for higher education. This is part of a wider attempt to bring the skills of post-16 students to a world class standard and comes days after the government published figures showing progress towards their targets. The number of adults educated to at least Level 2 has risen considerably since 2003.

Copies have been made available to all organisations providing Level 2 teaching and training for young people and adults. It will be distributed free of charge from the end of February 2006. While offering guidance on planning and assessment, the pack also examines methods of addressing the development of the employability skills of Level 2 students.

Melanie Hunt on High Quality

Whilst discussing the benefits of the toolkit and the support it offers, Melanie Hunt the National Director of Learning at the LSC stated: “This new guidance complements the high quality subject-specific teaching, training and learning resources and coaching programmes already available. Teachers, trainers and learners who participated in the trials of these materials and teaching methods have welcomed the advice and information they provide.”

In addition to the support material, training institutions can also nominate a Subject Learning Coach to receive free training and membership of coaching networks to provide information and support to colleagues on priority subjects. This should further encourage the delivery of a valuable and relevant programme.

The Minister for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, Bill Rammell MP, also supports the initiative and stated: “We want learners to complete their programmes and for more people to be attracted to Level 2 courses. This toolkit should make a real difference.”

This new guide, “Improving Success for Learners at Level 2: Young People and Adults”, is available from the DfES from early March.

Mark Feakes

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