Common basic data set (CBDS): requests for change (RFC) 2021

Completed RFCs that we’ll make to the CBDS during 2021, including details of the change and the reasons for the request.
RFC 1176 – change to exclusions code set
PDF, 208KB, 6 pages
RFC 1171 – change to ethnicity code set
PDF, 172KB, 4 pages
RFC 1170 – new data item for newly qualified teacher
PDF, 192KB, 5 pages
RFC 1168 – change to local authority code set
PDF, 530KB, 11 pages
RFC 1163 – new data items for exclusions
PDF, 201KB, 5 pages
RFC 1162 – change to class activity code set
PDF, 182KB, 5 pages
RFC 1161 – change to post 16 code set
PDF, 187KB, 6 pages
RFC 1160 – new code set for alternative provision
PDF, 191KB, 5 pages
RFC 1159 – new codes for attendance
PDF, 172KB, 5 pages
These files contain information for suppliers developing software and management information systems (MIS) for local authorities and schools.
The CBDS database is also available.
Published 27 May 2021