Higher education providers: coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance for higher education providers.
Higher education coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance
This guidance is for:
- higher education providers
- partner organisations
Published 3 June 2020
Last updated 20 May 2021 + show all updates
Guidance converted to HTML to make it easier to read. There are no changes to any of the guidance from the update on 10 May.
We have withdrawn ‘Students returning to, and starting, higher education during spring and summer 2021’ and updated ‘Higher education coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance’ with information on Step 3 of the Roadmap, outbreak plans, face coverings, testing asymptomatic students and staff using lateral flow device tests (LFDs), new and returning students travelling from overseas, educational visits and field trips, and staff and student wellbeing.
Updated the ‘Students returning to, and starting, higher education in the spring term’ guidance with information on when students can return to campus, educational visits and field trips, the opening of, and access to facilities, testing students and staff, transparent face coverings and face visors, shielding, travelling to the devolved administrations via a connecting flight in England and international students and coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.
Updated section on ‘Face coverings’ to include providers’ duty to make reasonable adjustments. Both documents have been updated.
Updated the guidance on ‘students returning to, and starting, higher education in the spring term’ to include advice on students travelling home for their Easter break and updated guidance for new and returning students travelling from overseas.
Updated ‘Higher education: operational guidance’ throughout.
Removed the ‘Higher Education coronavirus (COVID19) NHS Test and Trace handbook’.
Updated ‘Students returning to, and starting, higher education in the spring term’ to reflect the Prime Minister’s announcement on 22 February 2021.
Updates made to ‘Higher education: reopening buildings and campuses’ including renaming it ‘Higher education: operational guidance’ to reflect that it is no longer about the start of the 2020/21 academic year and ensure that it is consistent with other published guidance.
Removed ‘Student movement and plans for the end of term’ HTML document – this guidance no longer applies as the winter break has now ended.
Updated ‘Students returning to, and starting higher education in spring term 2021’ with changes to when students can return to campus, updates on testing asymptomatic students and international students, and added information about Erasmus+.
Replaced ‘Students returning to higher education for spring term’ with new guidance which reflects the national lockdown restrictions announced 5 January 2021.
Updated ‘Higher education: reopening buildings and campuses’ with information relating to ‘Local restriction tiers’.
Updated isolation information.
Added ‘Students returning to higher education for January 2021’.
Removed ‘Higher education: new national restrictions guidance’.
Added guidance for healthcare and other students on placements returning home and updates on the testing availability to the student movement and plans for the end of term guidance.
Updated the ‘International students’ section of the Higher education: new national restrictions guidance.
Added guidance on student movement and plans for the end of term.
Updated the information on sports and activities.
Added ‘Higher education: new national restrictions guidance’.
Updated higher education guidance with reference to new 3 tiers of COVID-19 (coronavirus) measures.
Updated the travel and transport section.
Updated HE provider guidance and added Higher Education coronavirus (COVID19) NHS Test and Trace handbook.
Performing arts, transport and international students and self-isolation sections updated.
Updates on social distancing, demographic, library, social gathering, performing arts and student accommodation guidance.
Updated ‘Staff and student wellbeing’ section.
First published.