Longitudinal study of child and family social workers
Findings from a 5-year study of local authority child and family social workers in England.
Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 3)
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-273-1, DFE-RR1145PDF, 1.7MB, 257 pages
Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 2)
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-109-3, DFE-RR989PDF, 1.78MB, 255 pages
Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 1)
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-046-1, DFE-RR934PDF, 1.22MB, 184 pages
The longitudinal study investigates recruitment, retention and career progression in local authority child and family social work over 5 years (2018 to 2022).
It provides workforce information for employers and policy makers.
Wave 3
Topics covered in the wave 3 report include current employment situation (in 2020), the impact of COVID-19 and changes since wave 2 in relation to:
- employment journey since wave 1
- workplace wellbeing
- job satisfaction and career progression
- short term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- potential influences on retention
- experiences of those in their assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE)
Wave 2
Topics covered in the wave 2 report include the current employment situation (in 2019), and changes since wave 1 in relation to:
- employment
- workplace wellbeing and stress
- job satisfaction
- views of employer and working environment
- short term career plans
- reasons for leaving social work
- experiences of those in their ASYE
Wave 1
Topics covered in the wave 1 report include:
- entry routes into local authority child and family social work
- current employment (in 2018) and career history
- workplace wellbeing
- management, supervision and working environment
- job satisfaction
- career progression and future career plans
Published 9 August 2019
Last updated 15 July 2021 + show all updates
Added ‘Longitudinal study of local authority child and family social workers (wave 3)’.
Added the second report.
Document updated to correct formatting errors.
Report updated: Executive summary – page 16, final paragraph; Page 114, paragraph 2; Page 122, paragraph 2.
First published.