South-East England and south London headteacher board

Membership structure, draft agendas and records of meetings for the South-East England and south London headteacher board.
South-east England and south London headteacher board: membership
Draft agenda for meeting: 20 May 2021
PDF, 128KB, 2 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 22 April 2021
PDF, 130KB, 2 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 25 March 2021
PDF, 132KB, 2 pages
Notes of meeting: 25 February 2021
PDF, 217KB, 9 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 25 February 2021
PDF, 131KB, 2 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 21 January 2021
PDF, 116KB, 2 pages
Notes of meeting: 17 December 2020
PDF, 169KB, 8 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 17 December 2020
PDF, 145KB, 2 pages
Notes of meeting: 19 November 2020
PDF, 150KB, 13 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 19 November 2020
PDF, 149KB, 3 pages
Notes of meeting: 10 September 2020
PDF, 135KB, 9 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 10 September 2020
PDF, 126KB, 2 pages
Notes of meeting: 16 July 2020
PDF, 173KB, 6 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 16 July 2020
PDF, 128KB, 2 pages
Meeting notes: 23 June 2020
PDF, 173KB, 7 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 23 June 2020
PDF, 187KB, 2 pages
Notes of meeting: 21 May 2020
PDF, 226KB, 8 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 21 May 2020
PDF, 186KB, 2 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 19 March 2020
Notes of meeting: 13 February 2020
PDF, 160KB, 6 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 13 February 2020
Notes of meeting: 14 January 2020
PDF, 183KB, 15 pages
Draft agenda for meeting: 14 November 2019
Record of meeting: 17 October 2019
PDF, 74.4KB, 12 pages
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Draft agenda for meeting: 17 October 2019
Record of meeting: 12 September 2019
PDF, 84.6KB, 6 pages
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Draft agenda for meeting: 12 September 2019
PDF, 88.3KB, 2 pages
The board’s role is to support Regional Schools Commissioner, Claire Burton. You can read more about the responsibilities of headteacher boards.
Draft agendas
We aim to publish these at least 10 working days before a headteacher board meeting takes place and are available on this webpage for the current and previous academic year.
Notes of meeting
These record the board’s discussions and are available on this webpage for the current and previous academic year. We aim to publish these within 6 weeks of the meeting taking place.
Documents for previous academic years from September 2014
These are available at the National Archives.
Published 19 April 2016
Last updated 10 May 2021 + show all updates
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 20 May 2021’.
Removed ‘Notes of meeting: 25 March 2021’ pending a correction.
Added ‘Notes of meeting: 25 March 2021’.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 22 April 2021’.
Added ‘Notes of meeting: 25 February 2021’.
Added a new project to “Draft agenda for meeting: 25 March 2021”.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 25 March 2021’
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 25 February 2021’ and updated the ‘Notes of meeting: 19 November 2020’.
Added ‘Notes of meeting: 17 December 2020’.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 21 January 2021’.
Added Notes of meeting: 19 November 2020.
Added draft agenda for meeting: 17 December 2020.
Added Notes of meeting 10 September 2020
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 19 November 2020’.
Added Notes of meeting: 16 July 2020.
Added draft agenda for meeting: 10 September 2020.
Updated details text and archived documents published between 2014 and July 2019 – these are available at the National Archives.
Added ‘Notes of meeting: 23 June 2020’.
Added notes of meeting for 21 May 2020.
Updated to include draft meeting agenda for 16 July 2020.
Updated to include draft meeting agenda for 23 June 2020.
Updated to include the draft meeting agenda for 21 May 2020.
Added meeting notes for 13 February 2020.
Added draft meeting agenda 19 March 2020.
Added notes for meeting on 14 January 2020.
Added draft meeting agenda 13 February 2020.
Updated South-East England and South London headteacher board: membership – Claire Burton replaced Dominic Herrington as regional schools commissioner, Nikki King is no longer a member and David Boyle has been added.
Added records of meetings on 12 September 2019 and 17 October 2019.
Added draft agenda for meeting on 14 November 2019.
Added draft agenda for 17 October.
Added record of meeting for 11 July 2019.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 12 September 2019’.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 18 June 2019’.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 23 May 2019’.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting on 11 July 2019’.
Added draft agenda for 18 June 2019 meeting and meeting notes for 25 April 2019.
Replaced record of meeting: 14 March 2019 with a corrected version.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 14 March 2019’ and ‘Draft agenda for meeting: 23 May 2019’.
Added draft agenda for 25 April 2019.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 29 January 2019’.
Added draft agenda for meeting on 14 March 2019.
Removed Justin Smith (The Primary First Trust) from elected members list in ‘South-East England and South London headteacher board: membership’.
Added 13 December 2018 meeting record.
Added 15 November 2018 meeting record.
Draft agenda for the 29 January meeting published.
Added 18 October 2018 meeting record.
Added ‘Draft agenda for meeting on 13 December 2018’.
Corrected record of meeting: 13 September 2018, LA for Oakfield Primary School from ‘Dartford’ to ‘Hampshire’.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 13 September 2018’.
Added meeting notes for July 2018.
Combined the 2017 meeting notes into one document.
Added record of the meeting on 7 June 2018.
Updated minutes for 19 April, 22 March and 18 January meetings to correct previous omissions and inaccurate wording.
Added ‘Record of meeting: 16 May 2018’.
Added April 2018 meeting record.
Added 2 meeting records for March 2018.
Attached Record of meeting for 8 February 2018
Added record of meetings for 23 November 2017 and 18 January 2018.
Added record of meeting held on 14 December 2017.
Added meeting notes for November 2017.
Added record of 5 October 2017 meeting.
Added record of 21 September 2017 meeting.
Updated record of May meeting as Jubilee Primary School is joining Trinitas Academy Trust.
Updated HTB membership lists to reflect changes in 2017 HTB elections.
Updated with minutes of 13 July meeting.
Added meeting minutes for 29 June 2017.
Added meeting records for 21 April and 25 May 2017.
Added record of meeting for 2 and 23 March 2017.
Added record of meeting for 9 February 2017.
Added meeting minutes for 12 January 2017.
Added meeting minutes for 8 December 2016.
Added meeting minutes for 10 November 2016.
Added meeting minutes for 13 October 2016.
Added ‘Karen Roberts (The Kemnal Academy Trust)’ to membership list.
Added meeting notes for 15 September and 29 September 2016.
Added meeting minutes for 23 June, 14 July and 21 July.
Added meeting notes for 21 April to 5 May.
Updated headteacher board members.
Updated the membership information.
Added 10 March meeting minutes.
Added 4 February 2016 meeting minutes.
First published.