Successful Vulturine Guineafowl breeding at Sparsholt College

Sparsholt College and University Centre Sparsholt has successfully bred Vulturine Guineafowl for the first time at their Animal Health and Welfare Research Centre (AHWRC). Five eggs have hatched with no mishaps and all five chicks are doing well and are growing from strength to strength each day.
This species of guineafowl is native to Eastern Africa and is easily the most impressive looking of the guineafowl family and is also sometimes known as the “Royal Guineafowl” because of its striking appearance.
The Vulturine Guineafowl is underrepresented in UK zoos so we hope that our five chicks will contribute towards that changing, by improving genetic diversity and seeing this species bred in other UK zoos in the future.
Kira Cattell AHWRC Bird Technician says, “The guineafowl pair at Sparsholt College are an absolute pleasure to work with and it has been so rewarding to see their eggs hatch and produce such healthy chicks. I am really looking forward to seeing them grow and then find new home for them in other UK zoos”.