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Getting The Most From Your Quality Assurance And Improvement Processes

December 5, 2023 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am


The ways in which Ofsted now judges the impact of a provider’s quality improvement processes on inspection have changed. This webinar will examine the key features and role of successful quality improvement processes in general and in the context of a possible Ofsted inspection. We will consider the main activities carried out by providers to assure and improve the quality of their provision, including the increasingly important area of online, or remote learning.



At the end of this webinar, you will have learned about:

  • The ways in which the inspection of quality improvement processes have changed since the introduction of the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF).
  • The key features and role of successful quality improvement processes, including self-assessment, quality improvement planning, observations of teaching, learning and assessment and standardisation of assessment practice.
  • How best to gather and use learners’ views as a quality improvement tool.
  • Suggestions on how best to quality assure online learning.


Who should attend this webinar

Any providers of post-16 education and training, particularly those who think they are in scope to be inspected in the near future against the Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

This webinar is specifically for senior leaders and managers with a particular responsibility for quality assurance and quality improvement processes, including writing self-assessment reports and quality improvement plans; Ofsted inspection nominees, sub-nominees and managers of curriculum areas.


Click here to see more or register.



Richard Moore, FE and Skills Consultant for Post-16 Providers, Richard Moore Solutions



December 5, 2023
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Event Category:


AELP Webinar Team
07867 305907
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