Culture Change with Lou Mycroft – Universal Learning with Saj Mohammad #7

Culture Change with @LouMycroft – Universal Learning with Saj Mohammad #7
Listeners to this podcast series will hopefully get ideas about how to make their own practice more inclusive. But how do you deal with the challenges of effecting positive change in the culture of organisations?
In this edition of Universal Learning, I’m talking to Lou Mycroft, a nomadic educator, researcher, and writer, particularly but not only in the fields of community education and adult education.
We discuss numerous topics including how Lou’s career in public health and adult education has shown her the power of changing communities, why professional development in further education is moving away from the ‘sage on the stage’ and what organisations can do to tap into the values of Generation Z.
What lessons can we take from inclusive practice to open up learning to all?
For example, making things easy to read and using clear language helps dyslexic and autistic learners. But shouldn’t it be part of our normal routine when planning teaching, learning, and assessment?
In this podcast series “Universal Learning with Saj Mohammad“, I speak to professionals inside and outside education, as well as parents, carers, and learners themselves about their experiences of inclusion and what lessons we can all learn to make learning as universal as possible.
Music: Sinara by Blear Moon, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC). Sound FX: Soft Blip E Major by New Age Soup via Freesounds, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY).