
K1: British Standards relevant to arboricultural works including 3998 (tree works) and 5837 (trees in relation to design, demolition and construction). Back to Duty
K2: Principles of tree growth, physiology, characteristics and reaction to pruning. Back to Duty
K3: The life stages of a tree including propagation techniques, aging process, deadwood habitats and veteran tree management. Back to Duty
K4: Characteristics of tree pests and pathogens, their impact on the tree health and performance, and management responses. Back to Duty
K5: Principles of soil science. Back to Duty
K6: Hazard assessment methodologies in relation to a single tree. Back to Duty
K7: Basic principles of woodland management. Back to Duty
K8: Types of tree works related to tree form, function, and client expectation, their specification and implications for tree health, safety and aesthetics. Back to Duty
K9: Classification of trees and their taxonomy; application of nomenclature (including cultivars where appropriate) per scientific convention. Back to Duty
K10: Implications of legislation and industry best practice guidance when undertaking tree work operations and their impact on team management, policy and process for example H&S Act, specialist training requirements, Working at Height, LOLER, PUWER, AFAG, COSSH. Back to Duty
K11: Considerations when planting trees including planting systems, site factors, species selection, protection, aftercare and British Standard 8545 Back to Duty
K12: Tree bracing styles, systems and uses. Back to Duty
K13: Tree inventory systems and their uses. Back to Duty
K14: Types of advanced diagnostic systems and their purpose in assessment of tree risk. Back to Duty
K15: The legal framework around trees including statutory protection for trees and penalties associated with breaches of legislation and regulations. Back to Duty
K16: Health and Safety legislation and regulations; principles related to work placed risk assessment and management, including method statements. Back to Duty
K17: Conflicts between trees and the built environment including damage (direct or indirect) to infrastructure and subsidence. Back to Duty
K18: Benefits of trees (for example climate change adaptation, carbon sequestration, human health and wellbeing) and how these could influence management decisions. Back to Duty
K19: Tree valuation systems, methodologies and their purposes. Back to Duty
K20: The role of an arboriculturist and how this occupation collaborates with other professions for example engineers, land managers, ecologists, landscape architects and planners. Back to Duty
K21: The principles for resilient tree populations and the application of biosecurity. Back to Duty
K22: The characteristics of ancient trees, veteran trees and trees of historical or cultural significance. Back to Duty
K23: Sources of information on funding schemes for tree planting and management Back to Duty
K24: Project Management principles including working within budget, systems and processes. Back to Duty
K25: Contractual terms and processes for example the role of the client brief, the fee proposal, the scope and the instruction. Back to Duty
K26: Tendering, procurement processes and scoring systems. Back to Duty
K27: Principles and use of different communication tools. Back to Duty
K28: Principles of customer service including confidentiality, data management, complaints and use of social media. Back to Duty
K29: Principles of sales and marketing both direct service promotion and indirect industry promotion. Back to Duty
K30: Roles of different stakeholders for example client, public, councillors in management of trees and techniques for engaging with the community. Back to Duty
K31: Staff and team management principles including motivation, performance and work quality. Back to Duty
K32: Principles of equality, safeguarding and diversity. Back to Duty
K33: Principles of managing and supporting meetings. Back to Duty
K34: Sources of information and techniques to research, collate and analyse arboricultural information and data. Back to Duty
K35: The purpose and function of tree management plans and strategies and their implications for tree management. Back to Duty
K36: Methods for establishing and monitoring quality standards for tree work operations. Back to Duty
K37: Methodologies, techniques and tools for inspection and measurement of trees. Back to Duty
S1: Tree inspection including assessment of health, defects, safety risks, site factors, planning requirements and aesthetics. Back to Duty
S2: Interpret maps and plans. Back to Duty
S3: Assess tree risk to inform decision making. Back to Duty
S4: Specify arboricultural works. Back to Duty
S5: Select advanced diagnostic equipment for tree risk assessment. Back to Duty
S6: Select biosecurity protocols. Back to Duty
S7: Follow instructions and processes. Back to Duty
S8: Write arboricultural reports. Back to Duty
S9: Use software-based tree management systems, including associated laptop and handheld remote working equipment. Back to Duty
S10: Produce plans using digital mapping software (for example GIS). Back to Duty
S11: Select and use different formats to communicate information (for example table, image, map, text, graph). Back to Duty
S12: Collect, research and analyse arboricultural information and data including reliable information sources. Back to Duty
S13: Advise on implications of arboricultural policy, legislation, regulation and best practice including local and national planning policy. Back to Duty
S14: Identification of tree species, their characteristics and requirements for healthy growth. Back to Duty
S15: Manage projects including working within budget, systems and processes. Back to Duty
S16: Produce quotations or tenders including defining a scope/specification of work. Back to Duty
S17: Foster professional relationships with clients, customers and colleagues and engage with the community. Back to Duty
S18: Negotiate with colleagues and stakeholders to achieve desired outcomes. Back to Duty
S19: Communicate information to technical and non- technical audiences using a range of techniques. Back to Duty
S20: Take meeting notes or minutes. Back to Duty
S21: Seek further information from managers, supervisors or colleagues, when necessary. Back to Duty
S22: Create and evaluate relevant risk assessments and method statements for arboricultural operations. Back to Duty
S23: Provide customer service. Back to Duty
S24: Identify soil type, properties, condition and implications for tree health. Back to Duty
S25: Value trees as assets for both amenity and ecosystem service provision. Back to Duty
S26: Establish and monitor quality standards for tree work operations. Back to Duty
S27: Promote the organisation, products, services or activities. Back to Duty
S28: Collect tree data including taking measurements. Back to Duty
S29: Make tree management recommendations verbally. Back to Duty
S30: Identify tree pests and pathogens, assess impacts on tree health and suggest management responses. Back to Duty
S31: Assess tree planting practices. Back to Duty
B1: Act with integrity, for example being open and transparent in dealing with clients and respecting their confidentiality. Take full responsibility for your actions. Back to Duty
B2: Communicates with others and takes into account cultural sensitivities and business practices Back to Duty
B3: Act professionally, providing a high standard of service based on sound business evidence. Back to Duty
B4: Adopt and promote a safety culture within the organisation and acts with regard to health, safety and wellbeing for self and others. Back to Duty
B5: Embed sustainable working practices. Back to Duty