From education to employment

Data items

This section lists, in detail, the placement-specific data items required for the 2023 AP census.

This module records information about the latest or last placement within the ‘census period’. This will either be the:

current placement
last placement, where the child is no longer in AP

URN (unique reference number) (used for funding)

This records which AP establishment a pupil is attending or is registered with. If you record a URN, do not record the UKPRN or AP type of setting.

Record and submit the GIAS unique reference number (URN), where available, of the establishment within which the AP placement has been arranged.

If the provider does not appear on GIAS, you should leave this field blank.

If you leave the URN and UKPRN blank, record the ‘AP type of setting’.

UKPRN (UK provider register number)

This records, where available, which AP placement a pupil is attending.

If the placement does not have a UKPRN, leave this field blank. If you record a UKPRN, do not record the URN or AP type of setting.

If you leave the URN and UKPRN blank, record the ‘AP type of setting’.

Type of setting

The ‘AP setting type’ data item records, where the placement does not have a URN or UKPRN (left blank), and is the type of setting within which the pupil has taken up an alternative provision placement. Allowable values are shown in the table below:


NFE for non-maintained further education provision
OOT for one-on-one tuition
OTH for other unregistered provider
WBP for work-based placement

Where type of setting is completed, URN and UKPRN must be blank. If URN or UKPRN are completed, type of setting must remain blank.

Primary reason for placement

This records the main reason why a placement was commissioned rather than what the needs of the pupil are.


If a pupil has a mental or physical health need, but has also been permanently excluded, the primary reason for placement would be the permanent exclusion which triggered the commissioning of the alternative provision.


EHC for setting named on EHC plan
MHN for mental health need
NEW for new arrival without a school place
OTH for other
PCC for pregnancy or childcare
PEX for permanent exclusion
PHN for physical health need
YOI for pupil in young offender institutes or secure training centres

Date of entry into AP

Record the date a pupil entered alternative provision.

If a pupil entered AP more than once within the same census period, record and return the latest date that they entered.

Record the date a pupil left alternative provision.

If a pupil left AP, re-entered and then left again, record and return the latest date that they left.


This records whether the placement is associated with any other services that are not education or supporting the pupil.

Set the default value to ‘NO’ or use:

YC for yes – provision linked to a children’s home
YH for yes – provision linked to a healthcare setting
YO for yes – provision linked to other service
NO for no – provision is not linked

Attendance pattern

The ‘AP attendance pattern’ data item records the pupil’s planned attendance pattern at the alternative provision provider.


FT if a pupil attends full-time
PT if a pupil attends the placement part-time

Where the pupil is in part-time provision (attends less than 10 sessions a week in the alternative provision placement), the number of sessions must be provided. For the purposes of this data item, part-time is defined as being expected to attend fewer than 10 sessions per week at the placement.

Sessions per week

Record the number of sessions that a pupil attends if fewer than 10 session per week during the census period.

If a pupil is no longer at a placement during the census period, for example because they’ve left, record the number of sessions per week the pupil was expected to attend.

Hours at setting

You do not have to record this data item. It is voluntary.

The ‘Hours at setting’ data item records, the pupil’s planned number of hours in education provision during the census week.

If no longer in placement, for the most recent placement, we would expect the number of hours the pupil was usually expected to attend education provision to be returned.

URN of previous school attended

This should be the latest ‘previous URN’ on record that is held by the alternative provision provider.

‘Previous URN’ records the URN of the school that the pupil attended prior to entering into an alternative provision placement. As this is only recorded once in the record, this should be the latest ‘previous URN’ on record that is held by the alternative provision provider.

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