Evaluation of the alternative provision innovation fund

An independent evaluation of the alternative provision innovation fund launched in March 2018 to improve outcomes for children in alternative provision.
Evaluation of the Alternative Provision Innovation Fund
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-257-1, DFE-RR123 PDF, 605KB, 52 pages
Learning from practice: Transitions to post-16 destinations from alternative provision
PDF, 355KB, 3 pages
Learning from practice: Reintegration to mainstream settings from APIF projects
PDF, 448KB, 3 pages
Learning from practice: Successful approaches to parental engagement
PDF, 135KB, 3 pages
This research was commissioned as an independent evaluation of the 9 innovation projects that were supported by the alternative provision innovation fund (APIF).
The evaluation report and practice papers present the key findings from set-up and early implementation of the APIF projects, including insights in to the priority themes.
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the evaluation and data collection from projects was suspended in March 2020. Therefore, the evaluation report does not provide a final account of the outcomes from the APIF projects. Instead, the report focuses on the period September 2018 to March 2020 to recognise projects’ achievements through that time and provide learning for the wider sector.
Published 21 May 2021