Financial notice to improve: Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust

A financial notice to improve issued to Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust by the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
Financial notice to improve: Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust
PDF, 275KB, 5 pages
This letter and its annex serve as a written notice to improve financial management at Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust.
On 1 August 2019, the schools in Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust became part of United Learning Trust. As Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Trust is closed, the conditions of the FNtI no longer apply and this FNtI is now closed.
Published 23 June 2017
Last updated 3 September 2021 + show all updates
Updated to add a note to say this FNtI is now closed.
First published.