Local-authority-maintained schools: governance

Links to relevant guidance and resources for governors of local-authority-maintained schools.
Statutory guidance and requirements
The links and documents below explain the policies that local-authority-maintained schools must follow by law and their funding agreement.
Not all statutory guidance is in included this section as some links are listed under their relevant topic below. A list of statutory guidance for schools is available in the Schools: statutory guidance collection.
- Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts
- Guidance
- Constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools
- Statutory guidance
- School Governance (Collaboration) Regulations 2003
- Statutory guidance
- School governance regulations 2013
- Guidance
Safeguarding, SEND and pupil wellbeing
- Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school
- Statutory guidance
- Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children
- Statutory guidance
- SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- Statutory guidance
- Keeping children safe in education
- Statutory guidance
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school
- Statutory guidance
- P scales: attainment targets for pupils with SEN
- Statutory guidance
- Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006
- Statutory guidance
- Equality Act 2010: advice for schools
- Guidance
School admissions and attendance
- School admissions code
- Statutory guidance
- School admissions appeals code
- Statutory guidance
- Admission appeals for school places
- Guidance
- School attendance: guidance for schools
- Guidance
Governance duties, skills, behaviours and knowledge
- Governance handbook and competency framework
- Guidance
- Governance structures and roles
- Guidance
Governance of Federations
- Governance in federations
- Guidance
- School Governance (Collaboration) Regulations 2003
- Statutory guidance
Financial governance
Guidance, advice and tools to help schools manage and improve their resource management.
- School resource management: top 10 planning checks for governors
- Guidance
- Schemes for financing schools
- Statutory guidance
External reviews of governance
- NLG advisory group: reform recommendations
- Independent report
- External reviews of governance: a guide for schools
- Guidance
- External reviews of governance: what’s involved
- Guidance
Recruitment and professional development
Guidance on the support, recruitment and development services available to governors through contracted providers.
- Find volunteers to become school governors and trustees
- Guidance
- Academy and school governance: professional development
- Guidance
- Recruiting a headteacher
- Guidance
Sex and relationship education
- Sex and relationship education
- Statutory guidance
- Health and safety: advice for schools
- Guidance
- First aid in schools
- Guidance
- Good estate management for schools: tools
- Guidance
- Asbestos management in schools
- Guidance
- Fire safety risk assessment: educational premises
- Guidance
- Standards for school premises
- Guidance
Use of data
Converting to academy status
- Change of land use due to an academy conversion
- Statutory guidance
- Due diligence in academies and maintained schools
- Guidance
- Academy and free school funding agreement: multi-academy master
- Form
- Academy conversion: important dates
- Guidance
School behaviour
- School behaviour and attendance: parental responsibility measures
- Statutory guidance
- Behaviour and discipline in schools: guide for governing bodies
- Statutory guidance
- Use of reasonable force in schools
- Guidance
- School exclusion
- Statutory guidance
Alternative provision
- Alternative provision
- Statutory guidance
Teachers’ pay
- School teachers’ pay and conditions
- Statutory guidance
- School teachers’ pay and conditions: guidance
- Guidance
Newly qualified teachers
- Induction appeals procedures
- Guidance
- Induction for newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
- Statutory guidance
School and pupil performance
- Induction for newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
- Statutory guidance
- Home-to-school travel and transport
- Statutory guidance
National curriculum
- National curriculum in England: framework for key stages 1 to 4
- Statutory guidance
School food
Data and information protection
- Data protection: privacy notice model documents
- Guidance
- Protection of children’s biometric information in schools
- Guidance
Information published on school websites
School complaints
Capability of staff
- Teacher appraisal and capability: model policy
- Guidance
- Staffing and employment advice for schools
- Consultation outcome
Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS)
- Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS)
- Statutory guidance
Published 17 September 2019
Last updated 8 October 2020 + show all updates
Added ‘Governance structures and roles’.
Added ‘NLG advisory group: reform recommendations’ to ‘External reviews of governance’ section.
First published.