Ofqual – Complaints procedure

How to make a complaint, raise a concern (whistleblow) or report malpractice about an exam board, awarding organisation or qualification regulated by Ofqual.
Arrangements for 2021. Following our joint consultation with the Department for Education, further information about how specific qualifications will be awarded is provided on our homepage, which also includes our 2021 qualifications explainer tool, links to the awarding organisation websites, and the Joint Council for Qualifications’ website.
We want all users of organisations and qualifications we regulate to receive a good service and to have things put right when they go wrong. In order for us to investigate your complaint or concern we may require some specific information to help us investigate your complaint and we will help you through this process.
You will be able to give details of your complaint or concern and attach documents within this service.
You can use this service to:
- make a complaint
- report a concern of wrongdoing or malpractice
- raise a concern as a whistleblower
- manage an existing complaint or concern
Due to the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) it may take longer than normal to respond to your complaint. We will let you know if there is likely to be a delay. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The process will take approximately 15 minutes.
Before you start
It will be useful to have documents or emails, awarding organisation, qualification and subject information to support your complaint or concern.
We can only investigate complaints about awarding organisations and qualifications that we regulate. An awarding organisation (also known as an exam board or awarding body), develops qualifications, issues certificates, diplomas or titles and learning outcomes of an individual following assessments.
A list of awarding organisations and qualifications we regulate can be found on the Register of Regulated Qualifications.
Complaints we cannot deal with
If we can’t deal with your complaint, we will tell you and, where possible, suggest an alternative agency or organisation. Some examples where we may not be able to assist include:
- a school or college is appealing against an assessment decision or a candidate’s results for GCSE, A level or diploma principal learning and projects – see instead Appeal an exam result
- matters which have already been fully investigated through this complaints policy
- issues which do not fall under Ofqual’s remit, for example, if your complaint is about the quality of teaching or training by a school or college – you should complain to the school or college involved
- matters which are, or have been, the subject of legal or on-going regulatory action, or potential action
- where you disagree with our policies
Please note, if you are seeking financial compensation, you may wish to seek independent legal advice. Ofqual is unable to award compensation and cannot provide this outcome.
Contacting Ofqual
Once you have made a complaint or reported a concern to Ofqual you will receive a link to sign in and manage your complaint. You will be able to send and receive notifications related to your complaint.
To ensure Ofqual deals with all complaints equally and fairly, all complaints sent to other sections of Ofqual, including the Chief Regulator or board members, will be forwarded to the complaints investigation team for action.
Further information

Complaints procedure
PDF, 186KB, 8 pages

Ofqual’s whistleblowing policy
PDF, 183KB, 7 pages

Reporting malpractice allegations
PDF, 169KB, 5 pages

Complaints about Ofqual
PDF, 161KB, 9 pages