From education to employment

What it means for end-point assessment organisations


By the time that standards are transferred to Ofqual, all organisations wishing to deliver end-point assessment (EPA) will need to be recognised by Ofqual. Those who are not yet regulated will need to apply for Ofqual recognition. Those who are already recognised will need to agree their expanded scope of regulated end-point assessments. This excludes integrated degree apprenticeships.

The timeline above indicates which standards will transfer to Ofqual in year one. It also indicates when you should expect to be contacted about the transfer of these standards. If you are already a recognised awarding organisation Ofqual will let you know when and how to expand your scope of recognition. Where you are approved to deliver a standard on the register of end-point assessment organisations (RoEPAO), the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will let you know how and when to apply for recognition.

The list of standards that will move to Ofqual in November 2020 has been published on the RoEPAO on GOV.UK.

Until end-point assessment organisations (EPAOs) transition to Ofqual, they should continue to work with their current external quality assurance provider(s), respond to their requests and continue to meet the relevant payments for external quality assurance (EQA). EPAOs should also continue to comply with the conditions of the RoEPAOs.

You can begin preparing for recognition now. You can read the information on Ofqual’s website, or email: [email protected]

For EPAOs not looking to be recognised by Ofqual post-transition

If you no longer want to deliver some EPAs following the transfer of standards to Ofqual or the Office for Students (OfS), you do not need to apply for Ofqual recognition. You can continue to deliver the EPA until the date of transition and the arrangements with your current EQA provider will continue.

Once the standard transfers to Ofqual you will no longer be able to deliver that EPA and will be removed from the RoEPAO for those standards. This means that employers will no longer be able to select you as the EPAO for that standard.

If this is an option you are considering it would be useful to inform ESFA of your intention as soon as possible. This will help in managing the transition and protecting apprentices that you may have on programme.

For organisation currently applying to the RoEPAO for standards

If you are looking to assess one of the standards that will move to Ofqual in November 2020 you will need to be recognised by Ofqual before ESFA can approve your application to the register.

If the standard is not yet on this list you can continue to apply to be included on the RoEPAO. Once approved for that standard, you will be subject to the current EQA arrangements and will be contacted when the standard is due to transition to Ofqual. If you are not recognised by Ofqual at the date that the standards transitions to Ofqual, you will no longer be able to continue delivering the EPA. You will therefore be removed from the RoEPAO.

You can begin preparing for recognition now by reading the information on Ofqual’s website. This will be especially relevant if the timeline indicates that EPAOS are being contacted about your standard. If you have any questions please email Ofqual at [email protected]

Useful links

Apply to have your qualifications regulated

Information from Ofqual about applying for recognition and links to the recognition gateway.

End-Point Assessment Organisation recognition briefing

Guidance for organisations considering applying for Ofqual recognition to deliver apprenticeship end-point assessments.

Ofqual Apprenticeship End-Point Assessment collection

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