From education to employment

CRC Receives Funding from Savoy Trust for Culinary Arts & Hospitality Excellence

The culinary arts and hospitality industry is facing a time of great challenge and change, with rising expenses and the cost of living making it increasingly difficult to secure funding for all the programs and initiatives that are needed. Despite these challenges, the culinary arts and hospitality industry is still thriving, with dedicated individuals working tirelessly to support and grow the industry.

Tutors, Jake Piper & Graham Taylor, recently secured £12,000 in funding from the Savoy Trust for the culinary arts and hospitality program at CRC. The funding will be used to support student’s educational and vocational development in areas that need it the most.

The funding will provide a new coffee machine for barista training and a top-of-the-line juicer for the health bar. It will also provide service trolleys for preparing food at the table, which will help students develop key skills for restaurants. With gas hobs and other equipment, students will be able to continue to provide a table and section service on Fridays and throughout the restaurant offering.

At CRC, we believe that providing students with all the skills and knowledge they need to succeed is the key to a world-class education. This funding from the Savoy Trust will allow us to provide students with the best possible training and equipment so that they can start their careers with confidence and be industry-prepared. We are grateful to the Savoy Trust for their support, and we look forward to continuing to work with them to help build a better future for the culinary arts and hospitality industry.

To find out more about our Culinary Arts & Hospitality courses, click here.
To find out more about the Savoy Trust, click here.

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