Stress Awareness Among Students: The Reality of Unhealthy Eating Habits

April is Stress Awareness Month, and for UK students, it’s an important time to reflect on the impact of stress on their lives. With academic pressure, social pressures, and the uncertainty of the pandemic, it’s more crucial than ever to prioritise holistic wellness.
Stress is a normal part of life, but when it becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can have serious consequences on physical and mental health. According to a study by student housing brand and operator – Yugo – over a third (39%) of time-poor and stressed students admitted to relying on fast food, while 29% turned to unhealthy snacks and fizzy drinks to fuel their day. However, despite recognising fast food as a hinderance to their ability to focus, students still reach for these unhealthy options when under stress.
This research highlights the need for increased awareness and support around stress management and healthy lifestyle choices for students. Universities should prioritise initiatives that encourage healthy eating, exercise, and holistic wellness to ensure that students are equipped to perform at their best.
As part of Yugo’s commitment to its students, it launched its Live Your Best Life program – a comprehensive approach to holistic living that considers the impact of stress on student wellbeing.
Drawing from research gathered from thousands of students worldwide, the program is designed to encourage personal development across three core pillars: YugoEco, YuPro, and YuGrow.
YugoEco focuses on creating better living spaces and a better planet through initiatives that unite students and staff, promoting a sense of community and environmental responsibility.
YuPro provides practical training beyond higher education, including, career advice, real-life experience, coaching, and empowerment. As part of the YuPro program, Yugo is launching its own student council ‘The Yugo Movement’ – the movement has several programs for students to help make the world a better place.
YuGrow, the third pillar of the program, fosters personal growth and development through events and activities in Yugo spaces, including student podcasts, diversity events, and global student networking opportunities. By prioritising the wellbeing of students through the Live Your Best Life program, Yugo aims to raise awareness of stress and promote a more sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle for all.
Stress Awareness Month is an opportunity for UK students to take a step back, prioritise their holistic wellness, and develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress. By doing so, they can improve their academic performance, enhance their overall wellbeing, and lead happier, healthier lives.
Richard Brenner, Operations Director, Europe at Yugo, said:
“Stress can have a significant impact on the physical and mental health of students, which is why we must prioritise holistic wellness. Yugo’s Live Your Best Life program is designed to encourage personal development and promote healthy lifestyle choices across Yugo spaces. By providing practical training, fostering personal growth, and promoting environmental responsibility, we hope to equip students with the tools they need to manage stress and achieve their full potential. This Stress Awareness Month, let’s raise awareness and work together to create a more sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle for all.”