Apprenticeship end-point assessments

A collection of documents showing Ofqual’s approach to external quality assurance of end-point assessments.
Apprenticeship External Quality Assurance (EQA)
Ofqual provides EQA of apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs) through the regulation of end-point assessment organisations (EPAOs).
Each apprenticeship standard comprises an occupational standard and an assessment plan developed by a trailblazer group of employers. EPAOs use the assessment plan to develop their EPA, which measures the competence of apprentices. All apprentices must take an independent EPA at the end of their training to confirm that they have achieved occupational competence.
We approach the regulation of apprenticeship EPAs with the same seriousness and focus as other qualifications that we regulate. If you want to offer an EPA where we provide external quality assurance, you will need to be recognised by us.
Ofqual recognition ensures that EPAs are only delivered by high‐quality organisations who have the capability to design, develop and deliver EPAs. It’s a consistent and objective process for all applicants, which ensures fairness and provides assurance. Each organisation is considered for recognition in the context of the number and type of EPAs they want to offer. You can find further details about this process in this briefing pack for EPAOs.
Learn more about Ofqual’s approach to EQA.
Which standards do we provide EQA for?
Following a consultation to simplify and strengthen the EQA system, we are working with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to transfer standards from the Institute and other EQA providers.
The Office for Students will be the EQA provider for integrated degree apprenticeships and Ofqual will EQA most other standards.
Standards will transfer to us in 2 phases:
- phase 1: standards where the Institute is the EQA provider
- phase 2: standards from other EQA providers
Key dates for phase 1
- 1 July 2021: final deadline for EPAOs to submit their application for recognition
- 16 December 2021: deadline for EPAOs to achieve recognition
- 30 December 2021: final transfer of phase one standards
Phase 1 standards will transfer to us once all EPAOs on the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)’s Register of EPAOs have either achieved recognition or successfully expanded their scope of recognition for that standard, or on 30 December 2021, whichever is sooner.
Key dates for phase 2
- 14 April 2022: final deadline for EPAOs to submit their application for recognition
- 16 September 2022: deadline for EPAOs to achieve recognition
- 29 September 2022: the majority of phase two standards transfer
The deadlines for phase 2 EQA transition were announced on 30 April 2021. EPAOs are now able to submit an application for recognition or expand their scope of recognition to include phase 2 standards.
The majority of phase 2 standards will transfer to us on 29 September 2022. A small number of standards will transfer before this date where the market allows and the EQA provider agrees.
Deadlines for both phases of transition still apply.
Key documents to support with your application
We assess applications against our Criteria for Recognition. You will need to demonstrate that you can meet these criteria in order to become recognised. You will also need to demonstrate that you comply with the General Conditions of Recognition and the EPA qualification level conditions on an ongoing basis. We have published guidance for the criteria and EPA qualification level guidance to support with your application. We have also published a YouTube playlist, EPAO recognition: guidance and webinars where you can find more information.
Learn more about applying for Ofqual recognition
- Findings from Ofqual’s technical evaluation of apprenticeship End-Point Assessment materials
- Guidance
- End-Point Assessment Organisation recognition briefing
- Guidance
- End point assessment quality assurance report: 2018 to 2019
- Corporate report
- External Quality Assurance of apprenticeship end-point assessments
- Guidance
- Findings from Ofqual’s review of apprenticeship assessment plans
- Research and analysis
- External quality assurance of end-point assessments: status
- Guidance
- EPA qualification-level conditions and requirements
- Regulation
- EPA qualification-level guidance
- Statutory guidance
Speeches, presentations and events
- Speech to AELP Annual Conference 2019
- Speech
- Understanding the regulation of End-Point Assessments
- Speech
- Shaping the qualifications landscape
- Guidance
- Vocational and technical qualifications: the regulator’s perspective
- Speech
Published 21 November 2017
Last updated 24 May 2021 + show all updates
Page updated to include information on how standards will transfer to us in 2 phases.
Key documents to support with your application section has been updated with a link to EPAO recognition: guidance and webinars video playlist.
List of apprenticeship standards updated to reflect change in EQA arrangements.
Findings from Ofqual’s technical evaluation of apprenticeship End-Point Assessment materials added to document collection.
Document collection updated to include EPAO recognition briefing.
Link added to end point assessment quality assurance report.
Added recent speeches, a link to related regulations and a link to the application form.
Added Ofqual’s guide for employers, and a speech and presentation from Ofqual’s employer event on 21 November 2017.
First published.