New Guidance on Childcare Sees Standards Drive for Childcare Promoted
The Learning & Skills Council (LSC) has announced a new Employers Guide to Early Years Training for childcare managers in central London.
There is a Government requirement that childcare managers are qualified to a national training standard, and it is expected that the Early Years Training Guide will allow managers to meet these standards. The guide will provide training and guidance for managers as well as a list of the training available within each London borough.
Inspection Body Insists on Standard
Ofsted insist that any staff involved in childcare must be trained to a minimum level of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 2. It is envisaged that the new guide will help managers to maintain this minimum level for all staff by giving guidance on all training issues.
Dara Sugure of the LSC explained: “Local managers need to access the training opportunities available to them so their staff are prepared for the more rigorous inspections and have the higher levels of qualification the will be demanded.”
The guide has been compiled by Westminster Children’s Society (WCS) Learning and Development Team, a London based voluntary childcare organisation. It will be available to all childcare facilities throughout London, such as nurseries and day care centres.
June O”Sullivan of the WCS commented: “Children have the right to high quality childcare and education. It is only through developing high quality staff that this is possible.”
Dan Atkinson
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