Coronavirus (COVID-19): initial teacher training (ITT)

Information for providers about managing initial teacher training courses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): initial teacher training (ITT)
Guidance for ITT providers with courses affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).
It covers:
- extending courses
- managing courses for trainees in the 2020 to 2021 academic year
- recruitment and selection
- trainees from overseas
Read the initial teacher training criteria.
Published 7 April 2020
Last updated 20 April 2021 + show all updates
We have added a section on funded course extensions for 2020 to 2021 trainees and information on how trainees should be recommended for early years teacher status. We have updated information on the immigration permission for trainees from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland and using the get school experience service. We have also removed the section on funded course extensions for 2019 to 2020 trainees and content relating to ITT 2020 recruitment.
Updated the critical workers section and added a section about legal requirements and planned amendments to regulation. We have also updated the remote observations, moderation and assessment section with information on the Assessment Only (AO) route.
Added link to Coronavirus (COVID-19) contingency framework for education and childcare settings guidance in the ‘Sufficient time in school to demonstrate the Teachers’ Standards’ section.
Updated ‘Sufficient time in school to demonstrate the teachers’ standards’ section and added a new section for ‘Remote observations and moderation’.
Added back in information to confirm that ITT trainees are included in the definition of a critical worker. ITT mentors and tutors are considered visitors to a school and are not critical workers.
We have removed guidance relating to the 2019 to 2020 academic year and added an ITT trainees from overseas section. We have also updated the C1.2 degree entry requirements and the 120 days in schools and early years ITT sections.
Updated the guidance to include information on compliance with the ITT criteria (2020 to 2021), ITT trainee consumer protection advice, 120 days in schools, support for ITT 2020 and critical workers.
Update to confirm arrangements for trainees not recommended for qualified teacher status (QTS) in the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
Updates to the guidance to help initial teacher training (ITT) providers reduce the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on their ITT provision.
First published.