Examples of teaching practice during coronavirus (COVID-19)

An opportunity for schools to learn from each other’s emerging practice as they develop their approaches to providing remote education.
Read the latest guidance for nurseries, schools and colleges, including information on opening to more pupils from 1 June.
The Department for Education (DfE) has been working with schools to develop this guidance based on the current experiences and practices of teachers and school leaders.
Planning a curriculum to teach at school and at home
Some pupils have been attending school throughout the coronavirus outbreak, but now that more pupils are beginning to return, schools are faced with a new challenge.
That challenge is to deliver a coherent curriculum to pupils both at home and in school, while maintaining social distancing and safety for staff and pupils. The schools we have spoken to in collating these examples have been thinking about what the return of Reception, year 1, year 6, year 10 and year 12 pupils means for their curriculum planning.
- Deciding what to teach during a phased return
- Supporting staff in curriculum planning for a phased return
- Pastoral care in the curriculum
- Identifying and addressing gaps in pupils’ understanding
- Making the most of reduced classroom time
Remote Education Practice
It outlines some approaches that have worked for schools and includes case studies and information about:
- supporting wellbeing
- adapting teaching practice for remote education
- adapting the curriculum for remote education
- keeping pupils motivated and engaged
The schools that have informed this guidance are developing their practice in a variety of different circumstances.
School leaders have explained that the level of challenge and nature of provision will vary across schools, and that schools need the flexibility to plan and provide remote education that is suitable for their circumstances. This includes considering the age of pupils. Remote education for younger children will typically need more involvement from parents, and parents are facing a range of pressures at this time.
Additionally, most of the examples given are from schools that already had some infrastructure or technology in place. Many schools and households do not have the same level of access. We are developing examples of effective practice from schools in these circumstances, and for schools providing education to younger children.
Get technology support for children and schools during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Read the other guidance on remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19).
Published 5 May 2020
Last updated 12 June 2020 + show all updates
Addition of links to new coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance on planning a curriculum to teach at school and at home.
First published.