From education to employment

National professional qualifications framework

Accessing NPQ training and support

This is available to teachers and leaders from all educational settings.

Access to NPQs is free for teachers and leaders employed in state-funded schools and state-funded organisations that offer 16 to 19 places in England. Teachers and leaders from these schools and organisations will be able to access a fully funded NPQ.

If you’re not eligible for scholarship funding, you can still undertake an NPQ and should contact your local teaching school hub, lead provider or other delivery partners directly.

NPQ training and support available

The reformed suite of NPQ training and support comprises of:

Specialist NPQs

NPQ for Leading Teaching (NPQLT)

NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)

NPQ for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)

Reformed Leadership NPQs

NPQ for Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

NPQ for Headship (NPQH)

NPQ for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

This is a single lot with 2 parts:

part A covers department funded NPQs

part B covers school funded NPQs

When the framework expires

29 March 2025.

How to access NPQs

1. Direct contact

The easiest way is to contact your local teaching school hub. You can also contact lead providers or other known delivery partners directly.

Supplier website:

Ambition Institute
Best Practice Network (home of Outstanding Leaders Partnership)
Church of England
Education Development Trust
School-Led Network
Teacher Development Trust
Teach First
UCL Institute of Education

We have chosen these suppliers using a fair and open procurement process. Delivery partners, including teaching school hubs, will work with lead providers to deliver training.

Providers of the reformed suite of NPQs will be subject to a quality assurance (QA) mechanism through Ofsted inspection to ensure the best support for schools and teachers.

2. Run a mini-competition

You can get support from your local teaching school hub or run a mini-competition yourself.

Once you have selected your course and provider, you will need to register for your programme using the Register for a National Professional Qualification service.

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