World Environment Day 2021 in Ashgabat

British Embassy Ashgabat with the support of Ish Nokady co-working centre organised an interactive awareness raising and knowledge sharing event for youth.

On World Environment Day, June 5, the British Embassy Ashgabat with the support of Ish Nokady co-working centre and a group of enthusiastic young volunteers organised an interactive awareness raising and knowledge sharing event for youth. The event aimed to inspire youth action and engagement towards protecting the environment and tackling climate change.
Youth from different sectors gathered up to discuss major issues of climate change and environment and to call to action for our ecosystems. Speakers shared experiences and individual actions they take in their daily lives to protect the planet. The event also featured interactive dialogues and interesting debates.

The event started with an Eco Fair organised by young eco-activists. There were several booths like for example a “Give Away” booth, which offered free donated second-hand items brought by the participants and had a purpose to promote reusing the unnecessary things and to cultivate the environmental friendly culture among young people.

In his turn, John Hamilton, Chargé d’Affaires of the British Embassy gave an interactive lecture on the major climate challenges Turkmenistan was facing and how the youth could contribute to tackle them. Mr Hamilton also explained the guest the aims and significance of the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow for the planet while drawing their attention to the main principles of Paris Agreement.
Mr Hamilton addressed the enthusiastic young participants:
You are our future, and we need your innovative thinking to reverse the climate crisis. Even if you’re just starting out and have a lot to learn, you can still make a significant contribution to reducing climate change and helping protect our environment. You can help stop climate change in their own simple yet purposeful ways.
Being young shouldn’t stop you from talking about the issues that are important to you and coming up with ideas to solve them. Don’t be afraid to share your passion for climate action with the people in your life. Connect, build a community! When we work together, we really do have the power to change things for the better, one step at a time.
This cheerful event concluded by songs, exchanging contacts with each other and distribution of Climate Change book written by Prince Charles by the representatives of the British Embassy. It was encouraging to see so many brilliant people interested in knowing more about climate change and how they could actively contribute.
Our Embassy is committed to continue raising awareness on the importance of facing the climate change challenges, uniting efforts in all areas and the implementation of ambitious and urgent measures to combat global warming, and advocating for positive impact through our work, projects and events, interactions with youth, ordinary citizens, the public and policy makers, media and all like-minded parties in Turkmenistan.
Published 9 June 2021