A Level students find winning formula in UK Mathematical Challenge

A Level students at Westminster Kingsway College (@westking) have been named among the top performers in this year’s UK Mathematical Challenge.
Nine maths students achieved two silver and seven bronze certificates in the Senior category of the nationwide competition run by the UK Mathematics Trust.
The challenge consisted of 25 questions to be answered in 90 minutes under exam conditions. and Participants’ answers were later marked by the trust.
Rin Moussa, 20, who achieved the highest score among WestKing’s silver winners, said:
“I was so impressed at how well I’d done because the questions got harder as you went through it, and we also had been revising for our mock exams at that time.”
Ayce Ates, 21, who also attained a silver, said:
“I feel very proud of myself. The challenge was not based on what you learn in class, so you had to use your own logic and knowledge. It was quite hard and I had to spend a lot of time on some of the questions, but I’m happy with the result.”
Rin and Ayce are also studying A Levels in chemistry and biology and hope to study medicine and chemical engineering respectively at university.
Fadi Faroukh, 18, who gained a bronze, said:
“The first questions were fairly easy. There were some others that were hard and I struggled a bit, but overall I am happy with how well I did.
“I enjoy problem solving and looking at things from a different perspective to find a solution. When you get the right answer, it feels good.”
Fadi is also completing an Engineering diploma and plans to study a degree in civil engineering.
The UK Mathematics Trust is a charity based at the University of Leeds and was founded in 1996 to advance the education of young people in mathematics.
It works with hundreds of volunteers across the UK to organise competitions, promote problem solving, teamwork and other mathematical enrichment activities.
Ali Elkayal, Lecturer in A Level Maths, said:
“This was the very first time that we have enrolled our students on the UK Mathematical Challenge, and they have done brilliantly.
“Despite the pandemic, they have still gone the extra mile and stretched their abilities. It’s such a joy as a teacher when you see students understand how mathematical problems work and are able to relate what they are learning.
“I congratulate them all on their success and hope this experience will motivate and inspire them to continue using their problem solving skills in class and in every aspect of their lives.”