Fantasy, Flowers and Surrealism on Display at Total Look Hair & Beauty Show and Competition 2016

Waltham Forest College’s Learning Resource Centre recently played host to the annualTotal Look Hair and Beauty Show and Competition. The usual quiet study area was completely transformed with a catwalk of brightly coloured lights illuminating the students and their models as they paraded down the runway.
The gravity defying hairstyles and breath-taking make-up followed a variety of themes throughout the night including Fantasy, Surrealism, and the current fashion trend – Flowers.
Students were given the task to create their own vision and interpretation of each theme and have it displayed on to an audience which consisted of the Mayor and Mayoress of Waltham Forest, a host of employers, staff, friends and family.
The winners for the night were Florica–Daniela Malanca – Level 1 Hair & Beauty Fantasy category, Victoria Jones – Adult Level 3 Hairdressing Surrealism category, Daisy MacDougall – Level 2 Hair & Beauty Flowers category, Weronika Dobrosielska – Level 2 Beauty full-time Flowers category, Naghmana Andib – Adult Level 2 Hairdressing Flowers category, and Venera Kireva – Adult Level 2 Beauty category.
Fatima Jada, Hair & Beauty Learning Manager at the College, said the standard of work this year, like always, was very high. “Some of the students really excelled themselves this year.”