Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course form

Download this form to add your SKE course to DfE’s SKE course directory for schools and initial teacher training providers.
Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course form
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Schools and initial teacher training providers can request subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) funding to support their recruitment if they offer training places in:
- biology
- chemistry
- computing
- design and technology
- geography
- languages
- maths
- physics
- religious education
SKE courses are designed to help applicants increase their subject knowledge so they can train to teach their chosen subject.
Download this form if you want to add your SKE courses to our SKE course directory.
Email the completed form to: [email protected].
Published 16 April 2014
Last updated 22 October 2018 + show all updates
- Updated subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course form added. Religious education added to list of training covered.
- Email address updated
- Updated Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course form added.
- First published.